
Review Detail of ZakFrost in Born&Torn (Old)

Détail de l’examen


you have a rather extraordinary style of writing and your quality deserves a good rating. I do not know why you have not received more ratings, as can be seen people do not appreciate a good book because they cannot understand it. the descriptions and philosophy are fantastical to the book's aspects so I believe you deserve no less than a full five star. Looking forward to future chapters I have yet to read

Born&Torn (Old)


Aimé par 2 personnes




First and foremost thank you for the nice feedback. To answer the lack of possible reviews, that might be related to my rather simple cover or due to the fact, that this book does not even have tags. On the other hand, I had removed those "5" star reviews which were just advertisement for other sites. Those were not genuine in my eyes. I much prefer the honest kind of feedback, even if that is negative. I am glad that my style is to your liking, it is certainly not for everyone that much I am aware of. Just a small note from my side, the first 2 chapters you have read have been rewritten by my. What follows are chapters, that might not necessarily reflect my current ability. For instance, my current version of the third chapter has extended the word count from 1200 to 4000 words alone and I am not even finished with it. The old versions still suffer from the wall of text syndrome, which makes it harder to digest the topics, so you might consider this as a fair warning. Otherwise, thank you for reading and I hope that the story will be to your liking.


i have to wonder how much further your quality extends, best of luck with rewriting

Fearmongering:First and foremost thank you for the nice feedback. To answer the lack of possible reviews, that might be related to my rather simple cover or due to the fact, that this book does not even have tags. On the other hand, I had removed those "5" star reviews which were just advertisement for other sites. Those were not genuine in my eyes. I much prefer the honest kind of feedback, even if that is negative. I am glad that my style is to your liking, it is certainly not for everyone that much I am aware of. Just a small note from my side, the first 2 chapters you have read have been rewritten by my. What follows are chapters, that might not necessarily reflect my current ability. For instance, my current version of the third chapter has extended the word count from 1200 to 4000 words alone and I am not even finished with it. The old versions still suffer from the wall of text syndrome, which makes it harder to digest the topics, so you might consider this as a fair warning. Otherwise, thank you for reading and I hope that the story will be to your liking.

the reason is simple. this work is to great to be appreciated by normal wn readers.