
Review Detail of Cepheus_7439 in The Mech Touch

Détail de l’examen


The world is full of sh*t....the first few chapters were bood and interesting but soon everything fall apart....MC has gotten a system ..parents are missing, has a lot of debt,a big family.. But MC has no one for himself......his only friend becomes jealous of him for his success..MC’s big family buys few shares of his company and becomes greedy and forces him to head in a direction MC doesn’t want to....he get his Vice from his planet who also supports a political faction when MC tries to stay neutral.... MC goes on adventures when he is supposed to be a designer....the government also tries to take shares of his company so that he doesn’t harm nation’s intrest when going international...his gets a business partner because she blackmails him as she knows about the system. His mother is the one who changes him so that he cannot drive mechs,essentially ruining his dreams and his mother acted differently so that his father loves her and appears to be gentle and afterwards pulls all her enemies on the father forcing him to go missing and leaving a debt on his son. She steals some kind of energy from MC from time to time traumatising him(imagine your mother whom you loved and trought to be gentle crushes your dreams and also appears like a witch who steals your energy and stuff in from you making you feel powerless and tell all the bad stuff she did while smiling in your face). He also gets a robotic cat which the system deems him as a owner of so he trusts and loves the cat as his only true family but when the mother appears,the cat doesn’t attack her on MC’s command but appears tame and purrs at her(the system is like OWNER=MC but doesn’t do anything when mother drains MC and he commands the cat to attack her). So he doesn’t even have a robotic cat to depend on. His self proclaimed lover is from another country which is in war with the country of his teacher so he is forced to end the apprenticeship and loses his sole resource and knowledge supply and so is forced to seek his self-proclaimed lover and eventually falls in love with her but also tries to take advantage of her background and hides thing from her and she also hides a lot of thing from him........It’s basically a materialistic relationship. She loves him because of his path(some kind of designing ideology) not his personality as he lies about his path in an interview... I feel bad for the MC as he doesn’t have anyone to call his own and everyone around him is with him for thier purposes... So there is nothing notable about MC character as he appears to be a blank page with a system....world is bizzare as everyone is goal driven all the time. So there is no world building and it can be summarised in one chapter (staircase-type world where no resources flow to lower stairs and the humans in outer galaxy are inferior to humans in central galaxy accoring to law and employee recruitment standards are different based on origin and outer galaxy humans will not recieve security from government when under attack from aliens). story goes from having a small mech store to battling aliens, saving pirates to from legions, becoming puppet of the government and also becoming to enemy of a big organisation which pushed humanity to interstellar era.... In am extremely frustrated about MC ability to do nothing but to be taken advantage of and the fact that MC doesn’t have anyone to care about(you can find better compainions in zombie apocalypse than this) (MCs in few novels are alone like reverend insanity but they atleast have a character) I don’t recommend this novel to anyone for reading......

The Mech Touch


Aimé par 143 personnes




If I might add, the pacing is horrible. He starts off as a novice, becomes an apprentice around chapter 100 and FINALLY becomes a journeyman around chapter 1100, so in other words it takes 1000 fucking chapters for him to advance to the next level.


yeah, his so called girlfriend just destroyed the meaning of all the previous arks. his country, family, master, subordinate, alias and 1500+ chapters worth all gone for her yandere as*.


Do you sure want to rate this novel lower than 3 stars? Cause the author will get to delete your review sooner or later you know... He already did that to at least 3 reviews with dozens of likes. Well, best of luck, here I will give you my like.


thats y i dropped this kind of novel. so many chapters yet still MC is hopeless eventho he has the system. kind of worthless MC.


Should I start this novel?

GodKingFinal:thats y i dropped this kind of novel. so many chapters yet still MC is hopeless eventho he has the system. kind of worthless MC.

arigathanks 😂😂👍


I really dislike this review system. This story is so filled with filler, it's dumb; all the same things could have happened in probably less than 1000 chapters but because bad writing something that could take three paragraphs gets 4-5 chapters. It's getting to the point where I hate the story but I'm to invested to stop reading. Also the MC is a garbage person with bad unhealthy relationships. I don't think there is a single healthy relationship in the entire story. There was hope earlier but now it's just constant resentment and sneaky behind the back moves. This story is going to end abruptly when it loses popularity with no real ending because at some point the author will want to write something else and the other thing will be more popular and take what time they have. I honestly can't see the story having a real end at this pace in under 8000 chapters. 2.4k for latish journeyman, let's say 5k for late senior 7k master and who knows if the story will actually get to star designer.


yeah, same thing happened with my review for this novel. I gave it 1 star because of the absolutely horrible pacing, author taking advantage of people by just adding filler words in chapters again and again like talking about redundant stuff related to world building like ftl drives. Milking his readers who bought privilege chapters to support the author by diving 1-2 chapters of content into 3 chapters. And the author not doing any kind of time skip so that the story actually progresses. The author keeps mentioning that it will take decades for mc to become senior. Looks like the story will take atleast 5-10 years in real life to complete. Or the author might just drop it once his other novels get a good audience just like how mad snail has abandoned his novels.

SnoopS:Do you sure want to rate this novel lower than 3 stars? Cause the author will get to delete your review sooner or later you know... He already did that to at least 3 reviews with dozens of likes. Well, best of luck, here I will give you my like.

y'all are stupid. I can't comprehend your stupidity.. Why not read in pirate site, you can search in google and pick any site. - Free - Same Translation Bye all you stupido novel freaks complaining about the coin you wasted and didn't find a way to get free chaps. The people complaining about the money they spent has reach Level : 100 Race : Human Class : Dumb, Stupid , Idiot


I do read in prirate site if the chapters are locked like this one. I don’t have complains about spending. many use fast passes we get on novels we can keep up with like spending 1 fast pass when the author releases one chapter daily...

JOZSEF:y'all are stupid. I can't comprehend your stupidity.. Why not read in pirate site, you can search in google and pick any site. - Free - Same Translation Bye all you stupido novel freaks complaining about the coin you wasted and didn't find a way to get free chaps. The people complaining about the money they spent has reach Level : 100 Race : Human Class : Dumb, Stupid , Idiot

thx. You save my time from bad novel.


I left a lengthy, in-depth review a little over two weeks ago detailing both the good and the bad and rated it three stars overall. It was a little acerbic but it was honest. A day later and it was gone. I guess Exlor just can't handle honest criticism. I want to like this story, and I plan on riding it to the end, but there are just so many flaws, and the author contradicts himself constantly and writes an idiot MC with a horrible, psychopathic personality. Unfortunately, much like the author, this story has potential but can't seem to get over its own pretentiousness and flaws enough to appreciably improve. Sometimes I wonder what novel all these glowing five star ratings read, because it sure wasn't the same one I'm reading. Maybe this comment will last more than a day. Here's hoping.

SnoopS:Do you sure want to rate this novel lower than 3 stars? Cause the author will get to delete your review sooner or later you know... He already did that to at least 3 reviews with dozens of likes. Well, best of luck, here I will give you my like.

Wouldve been nice if the mc could be able to pilot


mann, didn't know the situation of this novel was so worse. .. .. ... .. .


and communication between characters don't have any point what so ever MC ask peoples opinion on something almost 2-3 chapter and ignore it. his allies or workers ask orders from him and ignore it. at some point you will know they just ignoring each other completely. most frustrating part is MC think about how they ignored him and he really disappointed in that almost 2-3 chapter again but he says you did great keep work like this.


Bro your english is horrible and makes no sense


if you cant stomach it, drop it. for me it's good read.


What I might add is that Ves is one of the biggest hypocrites ever. He ridicules others of how brainwashed they are (Religious country when he did the ranger mastery and the Vesians with their nobility system) while he himself is brainwashed. First from his family to support the Republic and second from the Republic. Despite the Republic repeatedly abusing him and not providing him anything useful he keeps his head low and reasons that they are right to do so.


for me the plot start like a any other generic story about a system . the mc start to be a sociopath . posible ptsd form his time with the vandals. the Story is interesting but take to long to advance the plot for example un 2000 chapter and we still don't know almost anything about his mother and the five scrolls compact . his parents gave him the system but they whant him to live a normal live . even when his mother learns that he has the same ability as her she refuses to teach him the danger of using that power to the point were the mc start to break every taboo of that power whitout knowing . even after the mc make contact with the five scrolls compact she still didn't want to tell her anything and keep him in the dark despite that in any moment he could be kill or abduct if any of the three powers find that he has the system


Think about this the writer says he wants to do 10,000 chapters at least ... hahaha it took 3 years for him to do about 3,000 who wants to spend spend about 10 years waiting to read a story. How much money would it cost to read it to if you pay I wonder?