
Review Detail of Heffley in Dreamworlds

Détail de l’examen


I’ve only read to chapter 15ish but I like the story already....every chapter I read, the pace and excitement in the story picks up. So this guy is forced to be ‘friends’ with some mean people and one day storms off and went missing blah blah blah then his parents send him and 7 other kids to this one dreamworld (a video game like place where people who where special headbands when they sleep can go) where he gets a special pet and starts his journey as a traveller (pets or comrades do all the work for you) he faces a few minor challenges then these random green armoured dudes show up searching for the 8 of them for some reason and they manage to temporarily escape by a hair......idk wuts next but it’s better than I can explain it.



Liked it!




They then defeat the green men (I think for now), there are clues that let you know Colin is scenically in some way. They then go to the lamico continent where a civil war is happening....Colin joined the J-knights and is trying to stop the war...Lynn (the forest princess puts him in charge of a forest and some weird things happen....


At chapter 125 is gets really REALLY REALLY! Confusing and crazy with Colin at the centre of it all.....I’m surprised Colin even dares put on the dreamworld headset after everything...but keeping it off may not save him either


He also destroyed the lamico continent because he watched them burn his animal friends alive. So he is kicked off the J-knights and is now on their most wanted list he finds the lower plane which is a crazy place and apparently the diamond mark he got on his wrist from last time he got captured does some pretty cool stuff


Alicia (one of his mean friends) saved him then they were both on the lover plane (in garden world) and now in the Comrade World (N-world) every time one of the two died they both are sent back to the starting location.....crazy right?