awsomely awsome like butt licking awsome
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It’s a good story with some humor woven in.
The fax machine he made to send messages that the west produced and sold around the world ….I think
Ayyeee the perfect world refrence lmao the three stones
Take a break dawg…. but if u taKe more than a month ill take your bones while u sleep
“The dissaproval of cowards is praise to the brave “ nice did u come up with this line ?? I Havent heard it before
Ala berga primo tienes el misMo nombre que yo siempre pongo en juegos (El Rey) y mi apellido ( Coronado ) neta por un segundo creia que yo lo escribi la historia
Yoo i honestly didnt think it was gonna be so Good its super intresting i really like it. If anybody is reading this review i implore You to read this book.