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during Hobbit he would be a kid drinking milk in Rivendell... Flirting with Arwen and staring at broken sword...
is it necessary to summon so many people for Thorins quest? Wouldn't it be better to wait for a time when he finds a place to start his "kingdom"? the logistics alone would need a caravan for 100 knights... let's see if he takes them with him on quest or leave them somewhere...
Sounds familiar
Dude... All that USA needs to prosper is abolished the Federal Law about parking space requirements...
It's Stockholm syndrome...
Now a Marvel movie PLOTHOLE ----- we reenacted the movie here so you should remember better... Tesseract was the power source for light speed engine and now it exploded... now the Plothole... How did the Tesseract magically moved from the exploded engine to being held in Earth's orbit inside Mar-Vel's ship?
I heard that last time too...
I bet if I reread chapters made before "return", it was alluded that Robert already knew about it
Readers awaiting the "correct" decision...