

2017-05-27 JointGlobal

de la lecture


Lire des livres

  • Adam
    Adam2 years ago

    Honestly, the storyline if this book I love. I love the characters and the plot, even if they ain't that good, but the grammar and punctuation of refering to everyone, man and woman "he" (with the quotation marks in the book every single time) as they are of a certain level of strength you stop giving them genders, and never use the word him? It's excruciating to read

  • Adam
    Adam2 years ago

    Yeah the whole "he" thing is literally killing the book, it's bad when you want to read the mtl version cause maybe it'll be better.

  • Adam
    Adam3 years ago

    No thanks. The whole needing a master thing? No thanks.the retarded flaw? Even more no thanks. The FML? What the fuck did I just waste my life reading, complete waste of time imo, I was so fucking excited for the book during the first nightmare, but literally every chapter after to 210 when I dropped it was a straight downhill slope that I wish I jumped off sooner.

  • Adam
    Adam3 years ago

    Disappointed to the max, dense spineless MC who just does everything every random woman tells him to do purely because he can't deal with women, it would be one thing if he was dating them or sleeping with them, but they're his customers, how can you give away 50 bottles of magic wine with 1 glare of a customer you like. Also the man gives away the first electric generator in the world away for 5k???????? Man sold a bottle of wine for 5k and he thinks the bottle of wine and the generator are equal? Huh? If you lost 99.9% of your braincells while traveling to the other world I could understand this MC, but that's about it.

  • Adam
    Adam3 years ago
    Répondu à Littleheros

    Sorry didn't get a notification on this, theres literally a timeskip out of nowhere where he is out of the timeline and his friends go through a shit life while he's gone, done just dissapear or die, or now all the test want to kill him out of nowhere.

  • Adam
    Adam4 years ago
    Répondu à Fi3l

    Sis:dead Mom: probably dead(nobody saw body) Friends:dead or villains now For a book with 300 chapters I'd expect the main character to win at least once

  • Adam
    Adam4 years ago

    Don't normally give this high a review but when you binge a thousand chapters in less than a week and are sad there ain't more you know they did something right. There's nothing by itself that drew me in, but there wasn't a single thing I disliked.

  • Adam
    Adam4 years ago

    Literally read the first 20 chapters 4 times changing the enemy names, and you have the first 80. This is complete trash so far, would not recommend to anyone

  • Adam
    Adam5 years ago
    Répondu à Adam

    thank ggod have an app so I don't have to see his replies harassing me to remove kekw

  • Adam
    Adam5 years ago
    Répondu à Draekai

    lul I love when the grammar nazzi comes out when autocorrect changes names, you realise this website is an app, right..... apps are on phones with autocorrect. also why would I go to the effort of trying to explain what put me off, when you've been nothing but a condescending prick? I wouldn't want to help you improve now even if I could considering how much of an ass you've been, literally lying repeatedly about me, and talking ****. treat others better if you want to be treated better, anyway, ima set this book so I don't receive notifications of replies(third party app), it's pretty clear your just getting more and more tilted as this goes on, considering your throwing out words like harassment, when you've sent literally the same amount of messages and yours have been more hostile, if anything your harassing me, I dunno if your just trying to bully me into deleting it or what, and I just don't want to deal with it anymore. I have nothing against you as a person, sure I wouldn't count you as nice, but nobody is perfect(some just closer than others). hope you have a nice day/night/rest of life, and hope I never see you again 👍