Just your random otaku. Heh.
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Dude, do you even know what you're talking about? "A few side characters with no significant impact in the story?" Have you even read the light novel? If you have, you wouldn't even write such nonsense. Engaging in a fight with The Mad Titan God is enough to alter the history of all the events. Not to talk of engaging in the fight with Iverage. Sariel even fought two powerhouses; that is, Veldora and Velzard. The introduction of a new primordial changed the idea behind the seven angels of origin. Sariel has a relationship with THE literal GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. He has Milim see him as a brother figure, which I have yet to display, and he has a relationship with almost all the primordials (both the demons and angels). The presence of a new empire (Silverion Empire) along with the appearance of a hell gate in the Jura Forest. Is this change in a way "insignificant "? Let's say that this isn't enough to convince anyone. Sariel owns the WHOLE Jura Forest, and he has millions of demons under his lineage. There is also the introduction of a new greater time spirit and stuff. We also have two or three extra genesis grade weapons in store for the future. I'm sure there are many more I haven't mentioned, including the other characters you called side characters, and yet you say there is no significant impact?!?! How do you understand the term "significant impact" when you don't even see or know how it is being used? I won't even bother replying to any comment of yours with no actual sense because I don't want to become stupid. Peace!
No. Great Sage has NEVER taken a decision or done anything on their own (except the time Rimuru evolved into a demon lord where it decided to evolve itself).
Sorry. That's an error on my part.
Get ready for a lot of headaches. I made a mess in the dragon subjugation arc.
Get ready for a lot of headaches. I made a mess in the dragon subjugation arc
Eh.... No comment!
Nope. That's absolutely wrong, dude. They were born in different time periods. If you want, I could send you proof to that.