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🤣🤣🤣🤣....A resetting slap!!!!!!
Geez...the detective is being a jerk!!!!
OOOHHHHH COME ON!!!! Please tell me the last 10 chapters will be released ???? Just when they are getting closer......he gets shot!!!!!!!!!!😥😥😥😥😥😥
I loved this book!! I started reading it and was very intrigued with it . He really loves her....they just both needed to forgive themselves and each other!!!! They both finally got the chance to heal from the past!!!!😊😊😊😊
This book has started out VERY INTERESTING!!!! I'm starting to wonder if Bella isn't actually Sofia by the way her parents reacted to her visiting Chase!!!???🤔🤔🤔🤔
I loved what I read up until Richard lost his memory.....that broke my heart how everything changed and that bitch Gwen and her shit show!!!! I hope to be able to finish the love story of Richard and Nita!!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR THE REST OF THE STORY TO BE UNLOCKED!!!!😊😊😊😊
Talk about leaving you hanging!!!!!! Where's the rest of the story????
I don't like how this story has gone!! Paternity test Gwen's daughter!! I say the baby girl is Sam's not Richard's !!!!!!
I did like this book. Wish it had ended differently. The only bad thing about this book was the grammar mistakes.😊😊
I loved the redemption that came about with Jason!!!! I loved how the book was written!! Thank you !!!!