Cat in a mask
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Hmmm... No.
He is destined for a different fate, recommended by a certain reader in chapter 56 :3
Aaaaa, got it
Your words are partially true. Originally, up until the chapters with Hatred, I had planned to develop the story along a completely different path. However, then I had the brilliant idea to give our heroine Hatred. Let's go back to the moment when Toga forced Kimika to kill two people. Instead of that, I had planned for criminals to come to our heroines to retrieve the same trigger they had obtained almost at the beginning of the story. Toga and Kimika would have handed it over to them, but due to their behavior towards Kimika, an enraged Toga would have tracked them down and killed them. However, since she killed them in their hideout, she was captured after the fight. Kimika, not waiting for her friend’s return, would have started searching for her. Upon overhearing a conversation in an alley (or somewhere else), realizing that she couldn’t handle it on her own, she would have attacked one of the heroes (Leaf or Fluffy — my own original heroes that I didn’t end up using in the story). She would have forced them to call Eraser Head to arrange a meeting. She would have asked for his help in rescuing her friend, and after a brief exchange, they would have reached an agreement. Eraser Head would help save Toga, and in return, Kimika and Toga would peacefully surrender to him and go into rehabilitation (this plan was devised by Nezu, who would have been eavesdropping on their entire conversation). After the fight, Kimika and the rescued Toga would escape from Eraser Head, but he had prepared in advance by attaching a tracker to Kimika’s clothes. In the end, a battle would have ensued between our heroines and many heroes: Eraser Head, All Might, Midnight, and about 5–6 other heroes. During the battle, Kimika would awaken her third eye, which at the time was planned to function similarly to the mechanic in *Undertale*, allowing her to teleport to a checkpoint (but not after death). It would work by setting a checkpoint upon activation, and when desired, Kimika could teleport to it, but without regenerating her injuries. After more than 20–30 jumps, Kimika, severely wounded and with no part of her body left unscathed, would decide to make one last jump. However, Toga would stop her, saying that they had lost. (This would have been more emotional, but I'm too lazy to describe it all.) Afterward, an arc would begin where Kimika and Toga go through rehabilitation, as Nezu wants Kimika to somehow heal All Might. There would have been about 5-10 chapters where our heroine couldn’t activate her quirk, and her physical condition would have been dire. During this time, they would have surprised everyone around them with their behavior, especially their games with Toga. After 10 chapters, the story would have moved to the Sports Festival, where, in the final match, Toga would fight Kimika, demonstrating her ability to copy quirks. After the festival, I didn’t have any plans beyond the idea that they would escape from the academy and live together. (Because I really didn’t want to describe a fight with All For One due to the overwhelming number of quirks he has. :c And most of them are visual, making them difficult to describe. Also, I might accidentally miss one of his quirks, and I’d be destroyed for that.) The end. THIS WAS WRITTEN QUICKLY FROM MEMORY—MOST OF THE IDEAS HAVE ALREADY FADED. But in general, it would have been about 80-90 chapters, if not fewer. I planned it as a short story to improve my writing skills and just to get a feel for what it’s like to be a writer. Then, I would have started the next project, where I would dedicate more time to motivations, characters, making them more complex, and so on.
There is such a thing, but I think nothing bad happened because of it
Well, maybe you’re right about Toga being used as a plot device, but I didn’t intend to make her that way... I wanted to show her as a living character with her own goals. As for the manipulation — it’s simple, Toga in my fanfic is different from the original because of Kimika, who appeared in her life and accepted her for who she is. (P.S. I guess I did go a bit overboard with Toga’s manipulations.)
Good luck, and thank you for staying with me until this point!