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I need more
I need more
I need more
He's jealous
They both are lovely, I want moreeee
He is starting to fall in love with her
This chapter was simply amazing! I love how you mix suspense with humor, and the character development is top-notch. I'm eagerly awaiting the next update, so please post more soon! I'm hooked.
I am so impressed with how this story is evolving! Each chapter keeps getting better and better. I can't help but feel invested in the characters' journeys. Please keep writing and share the next chapter as soon as you can.
This was such a fantastic chapter! The plot twists really caught me off guard, and I love how you develop the relationships between the characters. I’m dying to see where this story goes next please don’t make me wait too long for the next update.
I really love this chapters, It was very refreshing to read. I probably like this book because I like the MC personality. I highly recommend it.