

2024-05-29 JointGlobal

de la lecture


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  • allday_read
    allday_read2 months ago
    Répondu à Vastoking

    you're right about that,the story is getting rediculous as it goes on.the plot is messy and the character is as dense as city wall no romance,the characrter is getting boring to read.The story is getting too much nonsense.

  • allday_read
    allday_read3 months ago

    Is the MC brain dead!??hes wasting so much time with all that nonsense

  • allday_read
    allday_read3 months ago

    its a good story but it started to getting messy and some ccharacters have too few interactions and introduction.also the MC is geting annoyin and borin with his personality. From beggining to now the MC is full of llies,like realy!?can't he just tell the truth that he knows when or who can go to their world because he is the bringing them,its ok to lie to other people other than his family and friends but he overdid his lies. And there is also his powers he is op but also not,there is so many powers to choose but still alchemy!?it's so lame and boring.And whats with the character change when he uses the ppowers of anime characters and also copy their actions so lame and annoying, he is so ffake.Can't he just iintegrate characters powers to his body so that it become his own and not anyone else,there's no need to be a fake.I just feel that he is weak because he needs to transform,. He is powerful but i feel like it's not him when he transform,like i'm reading another mc and it is annoying... WELL IT'S A GOOD STORY NONETHELESS SO I HOPE IT IMPROVE LATER...