

2024-05-01 JointGlobal



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  • HM_Rivers

    Fire Fox, Ai Lu in Essen tongue, Akamado in Hi-on land, or Momoshu in Morning land, a creature of enchanting cuteness originated from Essen continent, is a living work of art in the animal kingdom. Imagine a cuddly plush, rust-colored fur coat that cocoons it's compact body. Its dainty face features large, dark eyes that hold the secrets of the forest. Just above those curious eyes, white fur forms a delicate mask, contrasting beautifully with the cinnamon tones of the rest of its face. They are a bit clumsy and easily startled added to their adorableness.

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers
  • HM_Rivers

    Stormwing Wyvern: With wings resembling dark storm clouds and crackling lightning patterns on its scales, the Stormwing Wyvern commands the power of thunder and lightning. It can summon bolts of electricity and ride the winds with unparalleled agility. Weight - 970 kilograms, Length - 15.6 meters, Wingspan - 24.7 meters Weight - 2,139 lbs, Length - 51.2 ft, Wingspan - 81.1 ft

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers
  • HM_Rivers

    Flamecrest Wyvern: With vibrant crimson scales and a crest of fiery manes, the Flamecrest Wyvern is known for its affinity for fire. It breathes scorching flames and possesses a resilient hide that provides protection against heat-based attacks. Weight - 947 kilograms, Length - 15.5 meters, Wingspan - 24 meters. Weight - 2,088 lbs, Length - 50.9 ft, Wingspan - 78.7 ft

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers
  • HM_Rivers

    Harpies. deadly creatures that lure travelers with their beauties and allure. these winged-women lure people by their beautiful lullaby into the deep forest or deep mountains. doze their victims with soothing singing and did horrible things after. They are usually just a nuisance when they are small in numbers. but in flock, they are a force of nature. Harpies are all female. they procreate by kidnapping men and eat them after.

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers
  • HM_Rivers

    just what i need. a story of samurai in feudal Japan without reincarnation or system trope.

    The Last Samurai: Unleashed
    Oriental · DaRealVinci
  • HM_Rivers

    Hwacha. a multiple arrow launcher originating from the Morning land of Far East, The siege weapon that rendered the wyvern and it's rider became obsolete and the battlefield reliance return to the cavalry once more.

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers
  • HM_Rivers

    goblins are portrayed as small, roughly the size of pre-pubescent human boys, around 4 feet tall, ugly, and opportunistic creatures that pose a nuisance to both humans and harpies. They scavenge and steal, taking advantage of chaos and abandoned settlements. Operating in packs, they rely on numbers and crude weapons to overwhelm their opponents, but are cowardly and flee when faced with stronger foes. Encounters with goblin bandits and their occupation of the abandoned seaport highlight their chaotic nature and the constant threat they pose to the more organized societies within the realm. contrary to harpies, goblins are all male. they procreate by kidnapping women. when cornered they would go into the deep of caves. they have the ability to hibernate one to five years straight, some even able to hibernate until ten years, waiting for the perfect time to strike back at the human who already lowered their guards down.

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers
  • HM_Rivers

    Aden El-Rahm, a 21-year-old sellsword from Median, cuts an imposing yet captivating figure. Standing tall at 175 cm and weighing 72 kg (5'9" and 169 lbs), his lean, toned physique exudes strength and agility. His reddish-tan skin, a testament to countless hours spent under the sun, provides a striking contrast to his jet-black hair and piercing brown eyes. Aden's features are ruggedly handsome that demand attention. His movements are fluid and confident, hinting at the years of training that have honed his skills to lethal perfection. The vambrace adorning his arm serves as a subtle reminder of his martial prowess, while the shamsir at his side is a symbol of his unwavering resolve. Despite his formidable presence, Aden exudes a cool, calm demeanor that belies an unshakable inner strength. He is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak louder than any boastful proclamations. This enigmatic aura, coupled with his striking appearance, has made him the subject of hushed conversations among the noble ladies of Lyondyn, the capital city of the Regalyon Empire. Whispers follow in Aden's wake, as the women of high society cannot help but be captivated by this enigmatic figure. Some whisper of his exploits on the battlefield, others speculate about his mysterious origins, but all are drawn to the allure of a man who defies convention and embraces his own path. Aden is the epitome of a sigma male – a self-assured, independent individual who walks his own path, unbowed by societal expectations or the opinions of others. His confidence is not born of arrogance but of an unwavering belief in his abilities and a deep understanding of his place in the world. To those who cross his path, Aden is an enigma, a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Yet, beneath the stoic exterior lies a man of honor, loyalty, and unwavering principles – a true warrior in every sense of the word. Skills and Abilities: Master Spearman: Aden's expertise with the spear is unmatched, honed through years of training and experience as a light cavalry soldier in the Jinn fraternity. His combat skills prove invaluable in the fight against the harpies, showcasing his agility, precision, and strategic thinking. Keen Observer: Aden possesses sharp observational skills, allowing him to quickly assess situations, analyze enemy tactics, and identify potential weaknesses. His insights contribute significantly to the rescue party's strategies and ultimately aid in their survival. Adaptability and Resilience: Having faced adversity and hardship throughout his life, Aden demonstrates remarkable adaptability and resilience. He readily adjusts to new challenges and environments, never giving up hope even in the face of overwhelming odds. Personality Quirks: Quiet Confidence: Aden carries himself with a quiet confidence that stems from his skills and experiences as a warrior. He is not boastful, but his self-assured demeanor commands respect. Dry Humor: He often employs dry humor and sarcasm, using wit to defuse tense situations or express his skepticism. Introspective: Aden is prone to introspection, reflecting on his past mistakes and the consequences of his actions. This introspection contributes to his character development and his search for redemption. Loyal: While initially motivated by self-preservation, Aden develops a strong sense of loyalty to his comrades and the villagers he is tasked with protecting. Cautious: Having faced betrayal(?) and deception(?) in the past, Aden approaches new relationships with caution, taking time to build trust and assess people's true intentions.

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers
  • HM_Rivers

    i like everything in Solo Leveling but the ending of 'chosen one' trope. i wanted to be that one insignificant hunter fighting inside the portal to keep the monsters at bay. maybe one day i'll write my own solo-leveling esque novel. while my current ongoing novel is medieval theme, this will be my next to do list after my superhero WIP novel.

    Solo Leveling(Only I level up)
    · DUBU (REDICE STUDIO), Chugong, h-goon
  • HM_Rivers

    Thanks for giving this novel a chance. This is unlike every novels in here. it's more traditional. no magic, no reincarnation, no RPG, none of that. (although i'm a heavy gamer myself) if you look for believable fantasy, this is your cup of tea. again, thank you for reading. hope you guys have a good day. cheers! below is the map of the Holocene realm. you can visit my Facebook page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

    Flight of The Harpy's Heart
    Fantaisie · HM_Rivers