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Fair enough...
A stat increase is a permanant boost to his body, He can't keep locking his STR to 10 everytime he has to open a door without shattering it, he has to learn to release normal power to live a daily life while having insanely high stats lots of problems with this plan, but this is just a suggestion on my part. I understand my OG comment might have come off a little rude, not my intention btw
You have to explain the throught process behind this decision
Well that's stupid...
was it explained how he got these skills?
40 minutes of running does not seem like enough time to get away from something that is tall enough to reach the clouds and a dragon that covers a part of the sky, the destruction would scale for hundreds of miles. These are 2 beings that would be visible from space on the planet surface Realistically he would have to at least keep a day's distance away to be safe
I really hope that this doesn't have the classic loop that this author loves to do where MC gets stronger, gets nerfed, gets stronger than before, gets nerfed... so on and so forth. That was what made me lost interest in Sylas's story we shall see...
Does the author care about these earlier chapters? there's so many broken paragraphs it's frankly annoying to read. I do not think he reads any actual criticisms other than thanking the people who glaze them in the comments
So like, this story is basically dead or on hiatus right? I know you SAID you'd get back into it but actions speak louder than words I just wanna know to know whether to remove it from my library or not, which is a shame because I really like this story but if you focus is your other far more profitable story (which is understandable) I and I assume other readers would like to know
goofball protagonist at its finest