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Thanks for showing up and entertaining the things going on in my stupid brain. only wish I could update more.
Ain't no way I just saw someone put tongue to lightsaber. Where is that scene from? As for the character's future, I don't like to spoil such things my friend.
Glad you think so 👍
Not going to give a definitive yes. I have drafted out plans but I've noticed I'm a very character focused writer, meaning I'll derail my whole planned plot to stay consistent with character traits. Personally I think it helps me create a more interesting story even if that results in planned scenes being tossed in that trash, reworked, or postponed. The protagonist will definitely have stronger ties to the others around him, compared to the game. How well that'll work out and the direction those relationships develop is in constant flux. One minute I think I know exactly what a character will do and plan around that only for their reaction to be nothing like I expected or subtly different once I put myself in their headspace, changing the story in various ways. Writing for me is definitely a process of constant discovery, edits, and revamps. Anyways I'm done rambling, hope you enjoyed.
A human with very strong sith blood. A more detailed description of the MC will come through when the opportunity presents itself or through someone else's perspective.
That is part of the long-term plan. Thank you kindly for the encouraging words 🙏
Just started it recently. Old Republic era (SWTOR specifically) won out but I might write a clone wars one way later.
Shoot, definitely meant to say material. Good catch, I'll change that when I get a hold of my laptop.