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Are you living in modern times or ancient 🤔
Man grow up here in real life celebrities marry minor girls but I don't see you guys complaining about that but if it's fiction then you have a problem .I really don't understand your guys logic
Yea he focused to much on romance well I shouldn't had a problem with that but game related stuff it's like he forgot about that
I don't think so
A very good 👍 fanfic but knowing the author it will probably a another unfinished work like all his work. The author writes some really good fanfic but he never finished his work
yea your rigth the amount of info dumps in the beginning its really something
It's pretty normal here if someone doesn't like 1 thing they just give it 1 star reviews
top qualty fanfic but im wondering who is faedra and ayra are those in the game or self created . searched it on google but didnt find anything