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noooo, keep it the way it is (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
It's fine, though I have to admit it was fun doing this.
Look at your own replies and tell me what they are, if not insults, also why would I even use Reddit for, and don't even try to start with twitter that place is a hot pile of shit.
I'll be taking that you don't have the slightest of clues, of what a deleted review is, since currently your just an all around asshole who likes to start fights with random people, cuz you have nothing better to do.
Okay, it looks like there are dumb asses like you who do not read the replies in the reviews before making your own reply.
For those who don't know why I made this review, it was because earlier before this review was made, there was quite a bit of bad reviews that did not even give a reason why it deserved a bad review but instead was a bunch of nonsense, spams, and out right bullshit.