

2023-11-28 JointGlobal



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  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karel4 days ago
    Répondu à Headshot_Gaming

    no i just don't have time in between my responsibilities so i only write when i am free both in my head and time related.

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karel12 days ago
    Répondu à DaoistsLixYt

    yes, so the only ones that should be capable of defeating him in Asgard are on the top of the hiërarchie. at least if he is in the MCU otherwise he is fucked.

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karela month ago
    Répondu à DaoistkJwL6t

    different power systems himself does not yet have a territory

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karela month ago
    Répondu à DaoistkJwL6t

    because otherwise there would be no growth. and seeing that Sauron is at the absolute peak of a Maiar he can body most of the non combat oriented Valar. but a story is hard to keep interesting if there is none that can push your character back. so that is why. but seeing as he will mostly mingle with the mortal armies in the beginning he is indeed overpowered. besides he can't be killed and can use portals. so unkilable and unimprisionable makes him pretty overpowerd

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karela month ago
    Répondu à DaoistkJwL6t

    to be honest it's not that far fetched. sauron did try to conquer middle earth before his fall. now he is trying to change, but you can't be a new person from one moment to the next. so I am trying to build his character slowly. and I am not planning to make him conquer middle earth but at the moment he is still insecure, because Aulë is after is ass. so he will build his army and before he feels he can protect himself from the Valar he will be cruel so he can protect those around him. now i do plan to make the armies show off but not in an end battle style. more of a testing of how far they can push each other. as for the captured dwarves I was planning on making them the improved dwarves specialised in crafts. just like he is making war elves right now. And no I am not into misunderstanding plots. those are fucking annoying I mean just say what's on your mind and the whole problem would not have been there. so no if they fight they will fully understand the other side and still choose to fight. it might or might not happen. I try to keep the world organic and every action has a reaction, so i try to imagine myself as a character. And think how they would have reacted in that situation making the world more alive.

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karela month ago
    Répondu à DaoistkJwL6t

    well kinda, but it's hard to change completely as an ancient angelic being. i mean we as humans can be bull-headed and we barely live past a hundred. Now imagine someone who lived his own way for 500000 years. to be honest it's hard to make his change gradueel, as we can't really imagine ourselves that old or long-lived. but I imagine you get more stubborn and set in your ways as you grow older.

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karela month ago
    Répondu à JD_787

    it's possible she survived, but it's not about if she survived. But the fact that he so easily throws her aside, and if he does so once he can do it again. it's just a decision I would personally never make. that makes it hard for me to immerse myself in the story. the writing itself is great, and I like the storyline. But if you emotionally invest in characters it's hard to see them diviate so far from your own moral Compas. but if you say it's worth reading further I will try it. maybe he redeems himself later in the story, but for now i find him to have a unlikable personality.

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karela month ago

    i knew he was ruthless from the synopsis. But personally I am not into ruthlessness against people who care for you. Even if you don't consider them Important. i mean what is the use of power and prestige, if you have no one to care about and no one to care about you. so this is just not my cup of tea. best of luck writing.

  • jonas_karel
    jonas_karela month ago
    Répondu à Zelodrick

    good to hear, I can't do anything about the update speed for now. But hope to have more free time in the coming months / weeks.