


The moment I begin writing just because I need to and not because I enjoy it that’s when I no longer can be called a writer.

2023-11-15 JointLithuania



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  • Goldy_Penrose

    Hello Readers! We’re entering the South of Nort Thrauna. It’s a bit chilly, isn’t it?

    The landscape around us had undergone a stark transformation, shrouded in an unending wintry embrace. Life seemed to have been leached from the world, leaving behind a desolate tapestry of frostbitten nature. Grass blades, devoid of their verdant vigor, crumbled underfoot like fragile shards of glass. The trees, stripped of their leafy crowns, stood as skeletal sentinels amidst the cold, with only the pines retaining their green, though even they bore the look of desolation.
    Mana Journal
    Fantaisie · Goldy_Penrose
  • Goldy_Penrose

    Hello Readers! I’m not an artist so with the help of AI I made an image. It was cute and I really loved it. Here’s little Diojo with his mother. Happy reading!

    How did the descendant of these exceptional individuals become enamored with the arcane arts, particularly the elusive force known as mana? My initial exposure to mana transpired through my mother, who portrayed it not as a mere bauble but as a captivating spectacle for my diversion. Embers mimicked minuscule ethereal lights, imperceptible snowflakes swelled in size, revealing their peculiar beauty, and the majestic thunder, the sovereign of the heavens, transmuted into sparks—within her grasp, they all became the playthings of my childhood.
    Mana Journal
    Fantaisie · Goldy_Penrose
  • Goldy_Penrose
    Répondu à Abayomi_Atoyegbe

    I really and I do mean REALLY appreciate it. And to be honest I completely understand and can relate to. Reading a new chapter just as it got released can really mess with the flow of the story. Especially so if you’re reading multiple stories in your own time. And I try my best to research everything I can and love finding out new things. Even nanites were an interesting discovery. Thank you!!!

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    Mana Journal
    Fantaisie · Goldy_Penrose
  • Goldy_Penrose
    Répondu à Abayomi_Atoyegbe

    It's more that I don't really understand the concept of nanites. As for Mc's power It's complicated and not at the same time. I'm sorry I won't go too deep into his power as it could be a spoiler. Also, I want to say a heartfelt thanks for reading my work. I can't express just how happy I am to see people read my work. And even if you found my work mediocre or lacking, I'm really happy just to have you here. :D

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    Mana Journal
    Fantaisie · Goldy_Penrose
  • Goldy_Penrose
    Répondu à Abayomi_Atoyegbe

    That's an interesting observation. I had to look up what that is and yet I honestly don't know myself.

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    Mana Journal
    Fantaisie · Goldy_Penrose