


I mainly read on computer

2023-11-05 JointGlobal



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Rescriptum: The Journey Through Time

Finding himself well over two million years into the past, Kyriaki Haris is well beyond dumbfounded. As a researcher, Kyriaki has gotten his fair share of surprises and shocks, however, this scenario is well out of Kyriaki's expectations. As he tried to recall the reason why he was sent back into the past, he could only remember a being that called himself Janus, the God of Time. And what does this mean? he wonders. Equipped with his jam-packed notebook, a short sword, and the fruits of his research, an orb that can successfully control time to a certain degree, he sets off on a journey that will forever change him. Whether is it founding the world's first nation, fighting for supremacy in the Mediterranean Sea alongside the Romans, trading goods between Asia and Europe, or suffering the symptoms of the bubonic plague in the mid-fourteenth century, Kyriaki has experienced it all. After dying for whatever reason, Kyriaki will always come back in a new, young body, which basically grants him immortality. And with hundreds of thousands of years that humanity has existed—from Habilis to Erectus, and all the way to Saipens, Kyriaki will experience it all. And as his knowledge grows, so too does his ego and ambitions. "Since I know that Time is an entity that can be disrupted and controlled, so if I can harness the power of Time itself..." he asks himself. "Then won't I, a mere human mortal become a God as well?" And now, with a new goal, to find and harness the power of Time itself, but it isn’t as easy as Kyriaki had first thought. With hundreds of thousands of years to cover, several millions of different lives he uses and hundreds of millions of people he faces, befriends or even falls in love with, History—no, the universe's fate shall be rewritten! ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Historical events without clear knowledge would be filled by my imagination of what would/could have happened. *Historical events may also be slightly/largely altered due to the influence/actions of Kyriaki Haris. *Events will stay as close to reality as possible with the exemption of the Orb Have fun reading!

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