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Cook said in another review that it's not that
Slow as a turtle. Couldn't even make it past 30 chapters. Feels dragged on with unnecessary words
True. Plot is slow and simplistic. No surprise and we are able to guess what's going to happen next.
No idiotic harem. Very slight indication of romance. Mostly non existent. Novel is super good.
Truly amazing. No cliche story points. No peanut gallery. No shitty one liners. Characters are fleshed out. World building is also spectacular. Doesn't seem slow at all.
Found the MCs journey too easy going. Like everything falls into place. Felt to me that there was no tension whatsoever. Dropping it as I lost interest even though it's good.
Too easy. OP for no reason. Premise if the story is : you get an upgrade and you get an upgrade. Now all of you get an upgrade ... That's about it. No struggle at all. Not my cup of tea. Could be a personal preference.
Not great. No rhyme no reason, just over powered. Solo combat that is uninteresting. Maybe the story is not meant for me. Was really looking forward to it after reading the synopsis. Disappointed.
Not my cup of tea even though I like transmigration genre as a whole. Characters act in a naive brain dead manner.