weeee," "Weeeee" The two little guys kept on crying. My name is Fritz Dabson, I am the father of the two baby boys I am holdimg. I had just finished my final exams and got kicked out from home.
There are three letters infront of me, the first one say, "Take care of the baby, I have a husband now and I don't need a child in my life right now, especially the one with your blood."
The second letter reads, "I still want to continue my studies so take responsibility for your actions."
The last and most ticking letter read.s, "You are a father now so take care of your family, take the 100 dollar note as a gift for my two grandchildren,"
I dont even know what to do am just sitting on a train going no where. I am probably going to get kicked out of this train thats for sure
The songs in the Novel are a dedication to my love for OneRepublic.
The name of the chapter will be the name of The OneRepublic used in the chapter.
So if there are any OneRepublic fans out there lets spread the love and send you picks of your best OneRepublic song.
Yi_Zaha · Politique et sciences sociales