You thought i would describe myself i will not do so I will be a mystery in your mind forever...
de la lecture
Lire des livres
One of the most op toddlers in anime history even tops wish fulfilment mcs
According to the fics own logic but that’s out the window because apparently in later chapters 3 days is 75 years so 25 years for each day which makes no sense if 15 MINUTES IS ONE YEAR
That’s 96 years inside for every day outside
That’s a cool stand
I just realized he did that it used to be evanscannon now it’s Evan the writer
Damn this chapter got my hopes up that this fic was finally gonna start
The mc was like
Bro crashed into a high level meeting it’s stupid but not completely because he would be able to escape if they attacked him
The ending of this chapter was pretty funny