


"Nothing shines brighter than a heart of gold."

2023-09-14 JointBhutan



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Love: The Hazardous Emotion

It was Micha's first suspicion that the rumors her college friends were telling about her lover might actually be true. Even though she was doubtful at first, endless questions began to creep into her thoughts. However, nothing could have prepared her for what happened when she witnessed it firsthand: So Hyung, her boyfriend, hugging and kissing Hea. Her heart was broken into a million pieces by the sight. She felt as though she had lost her sight from despair and had become mute as the world around her appeared to collapse. She got back home and made her way into her bedroom feeling confused. Tears were falling down her face, uncontrollably, and she fell onto her bed. She was in excruciating pain in her heart, and every cry she let out made her body hurt even more. Micha struggled to accept the truth of what she had seen and felt completely destroyed by the betrayal. All she could do was lie there, tears mixing with the murmurs of her dashed hopes, her once-bright world now black and chilly. She think ,"How can I ever forget him when I once considered him my love and felt he was my entire world? The memories of us together are etched so deeply in my heart. Can I truly live in this world without him? The thought of moving on feels impossible, and the emptiness he left behind seems unbearable. Will I ever find the strength to heal and the courage to face each new day without him by my side?................"

somxin_elsher · Fantaisie
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