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Omfg shut up about this!!!!!!
I skipped this chapter I don’t like Eve
Well now the GDA knows cause they have cameras watching you in marks room…
Omfg can you shut up already about this you repeat this a 600 billion times holy
This whole chapter was a waste, literally, it was all garbage word count extension.
The most annoying thing is him is the whining at not wanting to be known as the guy who played Harry Potter. Well then don’t fking play Harry Potter in the first place holy sh**! But its still a decent read to waste time.
I’m sick of every single isekai saying they don’t want to be a righteous hero, and then they go on to be one anyway. Like what’s so bad about being a hero? yeah you could die but you already died once who cares.
Dragon kingdom????
Disgusting, that word should be deleted from humanity.
That’s not how you spell it….