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This is stupid. The author is stupid for this. This is just dumb.
Dumb bad trash, main character does Marlon getting Rockstone her face farming Galilee dumb as hell fast forward author you can do better I know it’s hard
The main characters of freaking retarded people runners freaking retards look and you’re a bad writer. Author Yogi are doing a whole villain monologue and bullshit. Good guys are dumb when you have an enemy you don’t talk you don’t play chess you don’t go have a movie and a dinner and a drink you kill them you murder them I don’t care if you want to talk to you know what get your jollies off on your little torture fetish later just kill them dead enemy is the only enemy they cannot come back and harm you.
Unimaginative author that’s what this is about that whole arc right there this whole, whatever whatever dude Unimaginative author that’s what this is about that whole arc right there this whole, whatever whatever dude
Just like almost every novel on WebNovel all the authors are pathological liars so all the main characters are absolute piece of crap liars this you you had no business doing us you had no eat you didn’t have to make the background like that. He could be the normal freaking person she could’ve been normal freaking person why you do this like are you trying to stir up some drama and get some miscommunication? Oh, and wait your big critical oh taboo that everyone of you idiots on this freaking website do the misunderstanding, cliché, blatant, misunderstanding, complete opposite ends of the spectrum that’s hilarious ha ha ha, ha ha ha not really.
Look, I spend money for nothing on this freaking story. How many times you let her get kidnapped bro can you write better think of something else
We have a slightly incompetent author, a horribly and confident “” master and a slightly, and I even retarded main character. This is just frustrating dude either make or powerful or write something else choose a different book because it is annoying.
Most the side characters in this brothers, absolutely retarded man the green tea bitches in here
Bro, I commend you for being brave and writing for the world to see but man you got some piss poor aggravating characters in your novel, eating your main character. What does what does this come on now? Do something the dummy I can’t read the whole fucking novel of justice being supplanted by her sister being pushed down by everyone around her. Where is her lady balls let’s go.
That whole misunderstanding trope that these authors do on this website real annoying you know real annoying super annoying