


Life, They say, Is a journey from a beginning to an end.

2023-08-03 JointNigeria



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  • Haibu_Lawan
    Haibu_Lawan3 months ago

    wonderfully written, explore and support author this is a wonderful story of women achievement and contribution to some significant historical events which is overlook by the society. try it and help support the author .

Heart of Arcadia

A loose beast, a burning castle, a dying race, a fading legacy. Zaria's lived her whole life Arcadian forest, a place both revered and feared throughout the entire realm. Raised in its shadowy depths, she knew little of the world beyond its ancient trees. Yet, when her mother succumbed to an illness and her father ventured deep into the forest, never to return, Zaria's world unraveled. She discovered the horrifying truth - the abomination that her parents had unwittingly awakened within the forest's darkest heart. This monstrous entity, towering like a mountain, possessed fearsome claws and the power to exhale fire, a nightmarish creation born of the incantations her parents had conducted night after night. Her mother bequeathed her, a dagger, cryptically instructing her to deliver it to a man named Holm. With the weight of impending doom pressing upon her, Zaria embarked on a perilous journey hoping that Holm held the key to halting the terrifying consequence of her parents' reckless incantations. Kaines had always lived in the shadow of his elder brother, the crown prince. Fate took a drastic turn when mythical beast attack the capital. As he faced the creature in battle, a power within him awakened. In a desperate attempt to defend himself, he unleashed a torrent of raw Force that blazed forth. This power not only shielded him but also blinded the beast.as the threat subsided, truth about him began to unravel. He learned that he was the descendant of an ancient bloodline, bearers of a mystical magic known. This power is capable of manipulating the very fabric of existence, had lain dormant within him until that fateful day, revealing a destiny he had never imagined. Hazel was not just any soldier, she was the stalwart guardian of the Keep, a revered order established by the Mother, a legendary Saint. The primary mission of the Keep was to maintain harmony and balance in the realm, a duty Hazel had idolized since childhood. When she and her brother fled from their cruel uncle, fate led them to the doorstep of the Keep, where they were both initiated into its sacred ranks. Her brother became a scholar, delving into the ancient wisdom, while Hazel took on the mantle of a soldier, sworn to protect the realm. The idyllic image she had held of the Keep shattered when a devastating menace descended upon the northern lands. Instead of confronting the true threat - the monstrous beast that ravaged the cities, leaving them in flames - the Keep assigned Hazel a grievous task. She was ordered to track down and eliminate a prince, whose home had been reduced to ashes in the wake of the merciless attack, a mission that defied the very principles of the Keep and left Hazel questioning the corruption that had seeped into its hallowed halls. Aron cherished his freedom, relishing the life he led on the far reaches of the Court's influence. Everything seemed idyllic until the decree of the Malgian Court rippled across Malgia, reaching every house's ears. It was an order from the lord of the Malgian Court himself, each house must send a son to serve within the Court's hallowed halls. Aron had little choice but to heed the call and he found himself reluctantly summoned to the Court. He encountered many young men vying for a prize the lord proclaimed, the one who proved himself worthy would not only gain the lord's daughter but also ascend to a position of great influence within the Court. Aron's perspective changed entirely when he set eyes upon the princess. Love struck him like a lightning bolt, and he fell head over heels for her at first sight but love was never easy.

Haibu_Lawan · Fantaisie
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