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Some do get stronger, some do not. For example, his Witcher granted physicue (strength, speed, etc.) will not get stronger. On the other hand, secondary abilities, like toxin resistance and charm resistance will get stronger as he grows, though it won’t be with every level.
I won’t say “pestered all the time”. To be fair, only Freya has the necessary power to pester him all the time, and even then, Cassian’s immunity to her charm, places them roughly on equal level. Freya wants to be with him, with Bell, she had the insurance of charming the whole city to claim him if all else failed, but with Cassian that’s not an option. So she can’t just order Ottar to kidnap him and lock him in her dungeon, because that would sabotage all her chances with him. That was the point of their whole plan of letting Freya know that her charm was useless, to prevent her from doing anything rash. As for other goddesses, Aphrodite simply doesn’t have the strength to restrict him even if she wanted, and there are a limited number of Beauty or Soul gods to take an interest in Cassian.
Ahh, that’s understandable. If it doesn’t fall within your preferences, then it simply doesn’t, we all have our likes and dislikes. Have a good day.
Thank you for the review. Can you tell me why you think so?
Possible, though he’d have to overhaul the design. The current one is basically a vial shaped metal container and that would be impossible to carve runes into.
Not a dedicated mark no, but technically runes can qualify as his personal marks if revealed.
It’s not Elf Magic no, but that is irrelevant here. Lefiya’s ability allows her to learn any magic used by an Elf, which the magic used by the brothers qualifies since they are elves. After all, Riveria’s magic spells she learned aren’t elf magic either, they’re Falna magic.
True enough. But don’t worry Multiverse won’t be a big part of the story. Maybe a couple of crossover arcs, but there won’t be much of it, as most of the story will take place within danmachi.
Oh I don’t disagree with you on that. I also love Henry as Geralt, he did an amazing job. It’s the writers I have a problem with.
It’s not Rose, though Freya is a candidate.