


Dogs person 🐶, I like to draw, read, cook and play Assasin Creed.🥷 And hate those who think they can tell me what to do. Anyway, I'm not a nice person... Just saying, don't expect anything from me but the truth.

2023-07-04 JointGlobal



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  • TheDeath_Angel

    taking the magical aspects a few steps too far... If the whole shrinking thing really existed on those levels it would have changed the whole magic world. Literally everyone would have been using them. There would be no suitcases, no storage bags and the whole under progressive magical society theme would have been for naught, a shame.

    Ch 2 Chapter - 2 :Discovery Part - 2
    Harry Potter: Hero's adventure
    Livres et littérature · P_L_H
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Lc_The_Second

    I'm currently busy with other stuff, don't know when I will continue. But I do plan to at some point.

    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à fgzhtsp
    "Oh…this is not good, Harry. What if this goes on your permanent record?" Hermione said with concern.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livres et littérature · Krio_Genix
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Anonny_Anonymous

    There is literally no lore to creating werewolves in tvd. In the original show you must be born this way. As for the rest of the lore mate, in tvd, witches can literally do anything as long as they have enough power, you don't want to read than don't...Couldn't care less...

    Ch 11 The Transformation(part 2)
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Primordial_Saiyan

    He was never taller... The wolf he saw in the flame was two meters tall, he himself always was shorter as a wolf...

    Isaac tried to stop the transformation, but it was already too late. The rest of the once human hands had already turned into the front legs of a wolf. The rest of the body followed rapidly, and only seconds later, in Isaac's place, stood a 1.7-meter-high, black wolf. Looking at the body of the old man, it let out a long, sad howl, which caused all the residents of the fishing village to squint in fear.
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à GodOfLightning

    This chapter is totally about who is Sato and how he found Isaac, won't change a lot in terms of the near future of the story, other than the view of Japan on the supernatural.(I Know it might feel like a filler by it showing the point of view of another character, but I decided I want to make it like this anyway...Don't worry, it is important for the story.) This is a quote of what I said, word for word. You need a narration? This chapter SPECIFICALLY,(NOT the one before and the two after) Is all about Sato finding Isaac. This chapter SPECIFICALLY, will not effect much on the NEAR future other than Japan's view on the supernatural. I Know it might feel like a filler by it showing the point of view of another character(Again it is only this chapter). Don't worry, it is important for the story. Meaning it will have other effects other than the one's you see right now. I'm not gonna bother explaining it again, and again, you are welcome to drop.

    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à GodOfLightning

    This chapter is totally about who is Sato and how he found Isaac, won't change a lot in terms of the near future of the story, other than the view of Japan on the supernatural.(I Know it might feel like a filler by it showing the point of view of another character, but I decided I want to make it like this anyway...Don't worry, it is important for the story.) This is a quote of what I said, word for word. You need a narration? This chapter SPECIFICALLY,(NOT the one before and the two after) Is all about Sato finding Isaac. This chapter SPECIFICALLY, will not effect much on the NEAR future other than Japan's view on the supernatural. I Know it might feel like a filler by it showing the point of view of another character(Again it is only this chapter). Don't worry, it is important for the story. Meaning it will have other effects other than the one's you see right now. I'm not gonna bother explaining it again, and again, you are welcome to drop.

    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à GodOfLightning

    When I said that I didn't speak of the whole flashback and I never said I did. All I said is that the specific chapter, which fills the gap of time and explains Sato's origin does so. Also, what makes you think that in this fanfic Japan won't effect TVD?

    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à GodOfLightning

    Sure mate, you can reread, you will see what I said exactly... It is in the 9th chapter, I'll let you know that I really couldn't care less if you drop, I only care about this darn disrespect, You act like I owe you something... I really won't specify what I think about that. As for the other things, regarding the pack you would be almost correct. The rest is build up to relationships with characters as the story continues. His view over Bennet witches in Ayana's case for example. Or the one he bit, which is part of how the new kind of werewolves will spread. Yes I have gone a lot into the chapters regarding Japan, but this is mainly because this is the beginning of the story. Those years effect the most on how he acts in the future, like how he deals with the first kills, how he he deals with his close ones' deaths.How from one who was all alone, he at some point came to have a family for the first time and more. It's was explained why he tried to get to China, but he already found what he was looking for in Japan so why would would he continue? The main things told in those chapters is how some of his abilities manifest, even without him knowing Regarding turning others, I haven't even gone into that subject yet, and if you really want to know the answer, as you plan to drop the story anyway, you can read the spoiler... Also, WTF makes you think I care what people want to happen? If they want a certain story, they can go write it themselves. I write this for me, and for me only, If people enjoy reading it, I'm glad, but no one, and I mean no one, tell me what to do. I don't work for/under anybody here.

    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à PABELO

    I didn't ask what he get from an organization, I asked what's the point of the hierarchy

    If you want, in the future, you can give me other ideas regarding story name, things the MC might choose to learn or do in the following thousand years, and anything more you would like to share. I read everything though I will only use what I like... 
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à PABELO

    And what does he get by creating such a network? It's kinda pointless really... At least I can't see anything for him to gain from this hierarchy😕

    If you want, in the future, you can give me other ideas regarding story name, things the MC might choose to learn or do in the following thousand years, and anything more you would like to share. I read everything though I will only use what I like... 
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à PABELO

    It says transmigration in the tags...

    'I'm in the vampire diaries universe?!'
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à GodOfLightning

    First of all, one such chapter, also I didn't say it wouldn't effect the story. What I said was that it might feel like a filler because it wouldn't effect the story in the short-run. If there is one thing I truly hate is when someone twists my words... Also, all things have their reasons, how else do you want to build a background to a character? Should I just say he turned, killed some people than a few hundred years later he met someone, but he was totally different? Dude, those events, with characters that might not appear again, shape the character, build the character's development and personality and also widen the world's background. As for the timeline. Starts in 999, than 1001, than 1070 with a flashbacks to 1005 and 1020

    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à PABELO

    I think you misunderstood something, he didn't go to the Mikaelson's house because he felt something was wrong. He absolutely ignored that feeling as it was foreign to him. He only went to the Mikalsons to meet Rebekah, who he made an appointment with before

    Standing up and looking at the sky, he noticed it turning red, nearing sunset. Initially thinking it was his imagination, he shook off the feeling that something was wrong and started running back toward the Mikaelsons. He had promised Rebekah he would meet her there in the evening.
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à TheDeath_Angel

    Just to make myself clear, If you look straight at them when they start to move, they might reach you before you can even process the information, but your eyes will detect the movement. To actually be so fast that no trace of you is seen, you will need to move at the speed of light and maybe even faster, depending on various factors, but just the fact that we can perceive flashed of light like lightning proves so

    Letting out a sigh, Isaac smiled, as he left the house, heading towards woods, he headed to his place, wanting to grab a clean shirt. Taking the chance to check his abilities, Isaac started running towards his house at full speed, moving at a speed comparable to that of a car on a highway. He arrived almost instantly to his small cabin that lied in the woods just outside the village.
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Original_1001

    Just read the story, he is no simp...

    "Yeah..." Rebekah nodded at him weakly, only inside, she wanted to scream at him. 'How could I be happy when the one I love is not with me!'
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Original_1001

    Will be explained in the future...

    It's been two weeks since Isaac joined the new village. Unlike his own, this village didn't have any of the Vikings that came from the 'old world'. The village, much like his own, was that of werewolves.
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Original_1001

    You are more than welcomed to check, but no timeline is given. All we know that was a cause and effect. They searched for a way to protect their children because of Henrik death. I would imagine that finding a spell to create immortals, modify it so it fits your needs and making sure everything works, will take time.

    Standing up and looking at the sky, he noticed it turning red, nearing sunset. Initially thinking it was his imagination, he shook off the feeling that something was wrong and started running back toward the Mikaelsons. He had promised Rebekah he would meet her there in the evening.
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Original_1001

    First if all, you can see everyone's after image when you look at them from far enough. I really don't know what would make you think otherwise. Even Immortal Version Alaric, which was faster and stronger than Klaus could be seen. You probably don't even understand how absord is what you are discribing... For a body to move so fast that the eye would even see an after image, it would literally have to move at the speed of light. Secondly, they were much weaker when they were first created. Thirdly, in human form like i have already said, he is slower and weaker. Meanwhile in wolf form he is much faster. Forth, it also depends on mass, a car is so easily spotted because of its size, if a human ran in the same speed, he would be much harder to spot. Again, you can watch the show, he is the speed of a normal werewolf at that moment, which is basically the speed of a normal vampire(a bit faster bit not by much). Various vampire in the show are seen to move disstances like the school hall in around a second+. The hall is about 40-50 meters in length and they ran at top speed as they were in a hurry in most cases. 140 kmph is equal 39 m/s which fit perfectly. Sorry if this explanation doesn't convince you, but just know I did the math and I took the facts into consideration...

    Letting out a sigh, Isaac smiled, as he left the house, heading towards woods, he headed to his place, wanting to grab a clean shirt. Taking the chance to check his abilities, Isaac started running towards his house at full speed, moving at a speed comparable to that of a car on a highway. He arrived almost instantly to his small cabin that lied in the woods just outside the village.
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel
  • TheDeath_Angel
    Répondu à Sir_Squirrel

    Sure mate, I won't answer any comments just because you specifically annoy me... That's a healthy view on life,,, As for your comments, I couldn't care less if there were 2 or more. I didn't ask to search for plot holes, and i definitely don't need you to invent one's that don't exist. And yeah, if you had only done it once i wouldn't have cared, even if you did it several times but over different chapters. But when you do it twice at the same chapter, that just means to me you are searching to start a fight. You can think whatever you want about my reaction, but that's just the way it is.

    It's been two weeks since Isaac joined the new village. Unlike his own, this village didn't have any of the Vikings that came from the 'old world'. The village, much like his own, was that of werewolves.
    TVD: The Seventh Original
    TV · TheDeath_Angel