Un escritor que intenta mejorar.
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A character immersion with a system completely unrelated to One Piece that can make them powerful just by spending money—oh, and it got ruined? What a surprise, totally unexpected from a story like this. If you don’t like it, you can simply leave. And if you do, please don’t come back—I don’t like people who complain just for the sake of complaining. If it’s constructive criticism, go ahead. But if it’s not, I’ll just delete every comment.
The options you see are the options that the readers themselves gave me, except for the ones you mentioned, since I have seen that in almost all the stories they always choose one of them.
It's been a while since I laughed so much.
Good idea, it hadn't occurred to me. This way I save words.
This story will follow the original manga line, so if you don't like it, do not read it.
The options were given by the readers themselves. And if it had been up to me, I would have chosen Nergigante.
But Oliver came from Earth, and let's just say that killing someone isn't something that sits well with a normal person. Maybe later in the story he won’t care, but at this moment, he does.
I would never write anything sexual since I don't know how to write it, so you don't have to worry about that.