

2023-06-02 JointGlobal

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  • Cherry_Song

    My Mazzi-sama

    Nek-asrof, the piece of land that no one wants. No king visits here or tries to help us. How was it formed? Long ago, before Loistava or any other kingdoms were born, the land was under the control of many nomadic and barbaric tribes. Nek-asrof was considered a desert then. But since it was the closest to the fertile land and the Jaf desert, the tribes used this land as their door. It is said that the Jaf desert was under the control of powerful witches, they spit fire, created sand storms and killed anyone who entered the desert. However, they did trade with some tribes and their meeting point was Nek-asrof, then known as Da-La, which meant portal or door. Travellers, merchants, taverns, inns, and various vendors and this land was known as the richest of all. Even the time the tribes fought each other, Da-La was unshakable. Because it had a ruler, powerful like a rumble of thunder and wise like an immortal sage. They called Mazzi, a irreplaceable ruler. Even though it was not a monarchy, the Volga family produced the most leaders. Then later a tribe named Gorhi began to assail Da-La for its fortune. At that time Da-La was under the control of a man named Xero. He not only defeated them but plundered all their precious treasures. Under Mazzi Xero the Da-La existed more fiercely than any other tribes, they were developed and rich. Other tribes including Gorhi, Egur, Utshan, Trova, Vagmur, Jun, Ifnus and Walop were concerned about the growth of Da-La and Mazzi. They feared they might conquer them. Mazzi on the other hand built a land equal to a rich capital. It has been evident from the books of Morrier Leighann that the idea of the centralized rule was an influence of Mazzi. The Leighanns decided to create their own sovereignty at that time. They made an alliance with Da-La, convincing Utshan, Egur, Trova and Vagmur to side with them. They wished to have a peace treaty, however, Gorhi led the opposed tribes and under the support of Jaf desert witches, they struck the tribes one day. Thus s great war erupted, and the queen witch Anatolia of Jaf burned most of the land including Da-La. Many died and the land fell into a civil war for resources. Enraged Mazzi tried to assassin Anatolia, but it ended in his death. He died fighting for his land and people. Despite his death, Mazzi Xero managed to wound Anatolia and this gave time to others. To stop Anatolia and the other tribes, the Leighanns prayed to La. Taking pity at the desperate cries, La, He blessed them with His power, granting one of the Leighann possesses the blessing of La. To stop the witch's dark fire and to purify the condemned land, La granted his most pure eternal fire to Morrier Leighann, the first golden-eyed one, the first sun and the founder of five great nations. And the war came to an end. After the nations came into being, the destroyed Da-La was ignored even by its own people. Many migrated to other plains, and Da-La was abandoned. The five nations also ignored a place where no one dwells. The land once was the richest and centre of everything became a ghost town which none wanted. Centuries later slaves from different nations, plunder, criminals and the poor started living in Da-La and became known as Nek-asrof, which meant forsaken or unwanted land. Do you know even after everyone abandoned Da-La, one still remained here, her name was Pheris Volga, lover of Mazzi Xeros and was carrying his child then. Her descendences lived in this land ever since, trying to protect what remained.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    How can Vera see through her blind fold? Is it visible?

    Ch 12 Market day at Egur - A Mysterious Lady
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song
    Répondu à Rin_Nurnia

    Vera was dreaming about her past.

    "Vera... Vera... Vera... get up. Wake up, you fool," I jolted up from my dream, my past, puffing loudly, unable to breathe air, sweating profusely. "What happened? "Nightmare again?" Banami queried
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song
    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Now I understand the volume name... Archi to Mesis... ok... good

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    This is a wonderful story with very simple English and visual descriptions. I love reading each chapter. They end up leaving readers curious and attract very well. I loved female characters more. I want to keep reading to learn how it ends. I am interested.

    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    They don't know that Vera is a girl right

    "Isn't it too simple, Mazzi, to crown him the King of Loistava? We're looking for the new monarch, Leighann's heir," Catherine remarked with a smile. Mazzi relaxedly closed his eyes as Sicil and Xena stared in amazement.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    I am in love with the female characters so far...

    "Willian is just eight years old and the crown prince of Loistava; I don't bother about you, however, I will ensure that no one touches my boy. I'm sure you recall my mother's words, Don't forget how you're still standing and breathing." She stomped off taking his glass of wine and guzzling it down her throat. Enraged by her remarks, Logan flung the glass to one corner, unhappy and outraged. He raised his palm and carefully examined its centre, where there was a mark, similar to a tattoo. It appeared like spirals enclosed in a circle, like a breeze. Infuriated, he went out after clenching his fist fiercely.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song
    "Do you truly believe it's that boy, Logan?" While Logan was soaking in his marble hot bathtub, a woman in her late twenties entered the bathhouse. He was shrouded by women and maids who assisted and washed his body with various herbs. Two were with him inside his tub.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    I wanna know that too... who is she?

    "That was a narrow miss of the guillotine, you managed well," Banami commented as he resumed his duties. I wiped away my sweat and sat down, but her piercing eyes are encased inside of me. "Who is this mysterious lady?" I wondered.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song
    "I understand your concern, my lady, and I apologise for not clarifying how. He smelled like food, spices, oil, and sweat, which led me to realise he was a servant rather than the obnoxious lord I had initially assumed him to be. He shouted at first, then altered his tone to heavy, threatening us, and I concluded he was frightened of someone or something. His voice was trembling, and he was tapping his finger on the wooden platform as if he was rushing late for something. So I realised that his master had been cruel and unjust to him and that he is behaving in this manner to survive, like us. I should also mention that two women were chatting about him and his arrogant master on my left side. And that's why I helped him? We, the people of Nek-asrof, certainly understand how it feels to be treated worse than an animal, people who don't belong to any land, people who don't exist, which is why I offered him the incense at a reduced price," I said, as Banami and the girl were both taken aback. Her eyes expanded and her pink lips curved in, gliding gracefully. Everyone surrounding our stall began praising me for my skills.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    New characters...

    "Hear me out, Banami," When I was trying to explain; "that man was the valet for Kargus Boni, the count of this region, and I believe your son did an excellent job. He is infamous for treating his servants like slaves and animals. That unfortunate man will be tortured to death if he does not buy the items he was advised to buy with the money he supplied beforehand," a young girl's sound arose from our buyers. When Banami and I turned to face the source of the lovely voice, we saw a gorgeous woman wearing an elegant blue gown and covering her face with a long coat. She was surrounded by servants. I realised that she was not merely a noblewoman but perhaps a count's or duke's daughter. Her ocean-blue eyes met mine, and I pretended to be blind.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Is that one from an earlier chapter? The basement guy. He is a villain too?

    The young man, whose grey eyes were adamant and whose ash hair waved in the slight breeze in front of Logan, was mortified by the shrill hushed voices. He disregarded all the blatant attacks on him as if he wasn't the subject of those talks; his strong-willed eyes were fixed on King Logan.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Who is this?

    Someone far away was preparing for another while Catherine, Helga, Ceasar, and others were getting ready for their missions and aims. A man cautiously proceeded ahead while concealing himself from notice with a brown robe through a dark, stinking alleyway and over a drunken person dozing on the rat-filth-covered ground. He entered after taking a few steps and then vanished into the darkness. A door that was hidden deep inside the shadows was opened, and light beams were sent out to reveal to the world how disgusting its surroundings are. He entered that light and down an old staircase into an isolated wine cellar. Two other men waited for this man. When they saw him, they rose and offered him a seat. He took a seat and then unveiled himself to them. It was a young man with ash hair and grey eyes, he grinned at them.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Villain entry....

    "Your Majesty, the spies from Utshani alerted us of an unexpected movement from Catherine," an old-aged man at Loistava palace, who appears to be a minister, reported to King Logan. He looked astonished and grimaced as he awoke from his rage. The anger that flared in his eyes was enough to turn his court to ashes. Everyone frightened those eyes and took a step back to safety.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Mazzi is just troubled after his mother's death, he likes Vera... It's just he won't accept that...

    Ch 10 Day 3 - What is the truth?
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Mazzi why did you give in but, that's interesting

    Ch 9 Day 2- An Attack
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Aaron? Is that Mazzi?

    I was still laying on the ground, puzzled. He came towards me; "I will not accept you as my brother nor see you as my family, but today you were brave. Go home, I will bring the money," he said without facing me. That day I realised he is just like Banami. When the master was arrested by the knights of Utshani, Mazzi became the leader of the Nek-asrof bandits. He has eyes everywhere, they say, not even a single fly can glide in without his knowledge. I wonder what is he doing now? Aaron? Brother?
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song

    Kill him Mazzi, my man...

    "WHO IS THAT? WHICH BASTARD THROW THIS STONE AT ME?" the thunderous sound that came out from his mouth drove the crowd to shudder. I saw a Mazzi, coming forward with some stones in his hand. I wanted to run towards him, but I can't, I am blind to the world.
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king
  • Cherry_Song
    "Are you mute too, dog? Talk?" he glared at me
    Vera - The King
    Fantaisie · vasuki_king