I channnooottt cchhhooommpprreehheenndd.*
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Quite an interesting story with a lot of stuff going on. In my opinion the characters are quite lively and fun to read. Their background is a thing that makes me want to squish their cheeks and step in between them to fix some things, but that only makes it more entertaining
A nice story with a slow build up that's enough to hook people into continuing to read it, I like the development of some characters, and have expectations of others to be the same.For now, 10/10.
Good beginning, a bit slow. Interesting characters and the author seems to leave a lot for interpretation, thing that I found funny and that hooks me in.
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
I think i wanted to say "It was such a pleasure for her" - not pleasurable... My autocorrect is on, and sometimes because I don't see wrong letters or something I just brush past it and consider it *right*.
Thanks for those, it really helps
You're not, hehe
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola