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When I say it's got nothing to do with the original Canon? I mean literally it's not a deviation. Some of these fan factions have nothing to do with the name in the title other than they used the name. I have read a Naruto crossover with high school of the dead. As far as a crossover, the only thing I had to do with Naruto. It was a little blonde knucklehead. Who did parkour but other than that? He had nothing to do with Naruto other than the name and the looks there was no ninja sooner it wasn't a true cross over. They were just using the imagery of Naruto to put it in the title. That's it, and as far as cliche goes. Here's one that people claim is a cliche, but it isn't Naruto hooks up with Hinata. I'm sorry that does not happen enough for it. To be called a cliche, compared to all the others, Naruto, more often than not hooks up with older women. His own mother, his sister and every other girl in the village Van hanada. They'll come up with these convoluted. Reasons why not to hook them up. And if you comment, they say well, it's cliche because he hooked up with her in cannon as far as the borato story. Because he did not hook up with her until the movies. And then he's had children with her and married to her in borito. But you don't see that it's implied. They dated because they said they loved each other in the movie. Then when you get to borato, there are already married with children. There's no dating. There's nooh history build up with them as a couple and like I said, it's the cliche that they don't hook up. We're only 20% of the time you might have. Them hook up but then when you read on fifty percent of those are smut straight out smut and the 50% that they do hook up and have a decent relationship.I love them.
I even do this on YouTube, even if it's a reposted, not the original author post and I will make comments toward the author or or I'll make comments about the content of the story and yes, sometimes I do get kind of trollock when I continually say the same cliche babe. Bad plot twists in the story. Because people often will write a fan fiction or claim. It's a fan fiction, then you read it. And it has nothing to do with the actual original Canon. I love it when they change cannon. But there are like anchor points in every story. If you take Naruto, for instance, he's an ninja, he's a child soldier ninja and people age them up. And I am fed up with that particular one because it defeats the purpose of the original author's Canon. They were in a war world or worldwide war. They were child soldiers and some of the stuff that you can say and plot twist. You can do with a twelve-year-old. Don't work for a 14-year-old same thing with twilight. I'd like if you strip out the vampire or the characters personalities and you change it all up till it's the point. It's just the character's names. And. The background of the original twilight story, but none of them have anything to do with twilight. Or any crossover stories where once say it's based in high school the day. But you bring so many foreign elements into it. It waters down the plot. I'm sorry. I've gotten too little bit of a rant on this comment. But there are so many things that if you step back as an author and you read. The stories you will realize these are dead ends. They're fun for a few chapters. But after you get to a certain point you like. I'll stop work myself into a corner. It's a mean that's what happens with people who try to copy dragon ball with all the training arks. And every villain is the next step up and if you make it overpowered character, you gotta bring in somebody to smack them down because they're too overpowered many of these worlds that people do fan fictions. For there is no such thing as a repair because eventually you're getting to. The bosses and they're God block antities. You, my, your parents aren't work different than yours. But they are equal to God's, but that's just one of the plot hooks that I think get overdone is they bring in the next level stuff. They never let their characters have time to enjoy their victories. And then they're like all. We've got to go to another training hour, but I'm like. This is worked with dragon ball because it was the first like it. And if you follow that formula, it just doesn't work. I mean, even hunter x hunter had breaks. Where they just did everyday stuff. Naruto has breaks for they do everyday stuff. But when you get to something like dragon ball, they're not doing everyday stuff. Every episode is either the next training. Arc the next level up bill and kick in your butts. So they have to go into the next train and arch. It's over and over, it's repetitive. It was enjoyable for dragon ball but it doesn't work for anybody else. And the people won't follow that formula with their fan fictions even in worlds that aren't locked at. And a lot of people get into this game system stuff. I don't mind the system stuff, but when they repetitive. Print the stats every chapter and it really goes nowhere. They're only elevating their stats, maybe 1. Here are there and I keep repenting. And I'm like that's just what page filler amp and up the word count and it's one of the.
I'm sorry, if you can't put a couple of lines of creative criticism to me you're just spamming. I'm not saying for people not to do it, but I'm calling it out. It's spamming. I can love a story to death. But I will put creative criticism in every comment. Or I'll get down right dirty. Even on ones I like if there's a part of it, I don't like. But the constant thanks for the chapter to me is just as bad because they don't ever try to help the author write better as a troll. That's just saying this sucks over and over again. That's just my point of view. And I've called out many a time when I just keep on with. Thanks for the chapter and you look, and that's all that's ever said. No. Body can take the time to actually say. Hey, this is what I like about it. This is what I didn't like about it. That was my whole point.
I don't remember saying they would live through it. I just said that anyone with the stones can threaten the universe. My main point is Thanos without the stones in the MCU is not a universal threat. Now the comic book Thanos. Yes, he was, but that's totally separate characters.
You're mistaken wings for capes. Capes create air drag. They don't help with flight, wings actually help with flight.
Sounds like to me. Someone actually looked up the average hot for humans on earth. Because 6 foot is not out of the norm, it may not be the average height, but it's d*** close. Yeah, they needed to be bigger. Thank you author for realizing that.
I like this story. I only problem. I have is shortening them. Why seriously? Why make them just slightly above average? I never understood that in most stories. They wanna make a normal or slightly above average. I want to see him tall hell every time I've read A. Story where they take a Spartan and put it in another universe. That was making back to normal height. Let it be Spartan height.
Harold is marriage to some cultures and religions.It is not a sex dungeon.It is a marriage between consenting adults.
Author you've already got him hiding out in his own little Empire. Not interacting with the Star Wars Galaxy community. Now you're bringing in some other stuff. I'm serious. It's getting hard to stay with this story. Because you're not doing anything in the Star Wars Galaxy, then building your forces. Don't bring in some other universe.Version of Earth and have issues with that too.There's already plenty of stories about these little hidden away kingdoms in the Star Wars galaxy.
The story has turned into an internal Kingdom building story. It needs to branch out into the greater universe. Or Galaxy, and I'm not talking about just going and climbing worlds that have nobody on them. Needs to interact with the greater you're galactic community, even if it's just him going in view and stuff and meet in a few people here and there, it started way too far back in the cannon time. For it to go year by year building. Needs to do a time skip, say okay. This is what we have accomplished now. We're going to go out here and look at a few communities and planets instead of this. All we went and looked at 1 planet here this year, and we built this many ships and we grew this mini club. That's just too much. It's bogging down the story. You have to remember first and foremost Star Wars is a adventure story.