


Just a writer who likes Yuri.

2023-03-30 JointGlobal



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    Répondu à RatedOverr

    Love interest will (**SPOILER**) NOT die. I enjoy writing action, romance, and drama while still containing realism. I want the relationship to be wholesome, while the two lovebirds face many trials, failures, and conflict in their future (Together & Separate). I hope that I at least ease your worries.

    Just to let you know, the romance is with Yuri, and there is NOT a harem. Just two strong women who love each other. (Note: I do understand the Jedi are forbidden to form attachments, such as relationships with love. However, Halan will be a bit different than most Jedi. If you're curious, just read and find out later).
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    Honestly, I wasn't expecting to find a Twi'lek so close to the one in the story. However, since I found one, we'll use it. I'd like to mention that the person in the picture was a Jedi Knight and archaeologist named Rachi Sitra during Order 66. Rachi Sitra has no correlation with the character in this story, but we're using her as a reference for this story's character. Also, the one in the picture has blue eyes, whereas the one in this story has yellow eyes.

    Finally, at the point of the "V" formation was a pretty young girl with purple skin and two head-tails, which didn't deform her head, that extended down to her lower back. Around her head and head-tails was a leather headdress, engraved in some language I don't recognize. She had yellow eyes framed by thin, black eyebrows.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    In the picture is the member of the boy's species, a Cerean. Using the picture, just imagine a smaller version but with bushy eyebrows, and minus the equipment.

    Sitting to the left of the Iktotchi boy was a child that looked human. However, he had an enlarged skull that extended upward, extending ten centimeters above his forehead. On the lower back of his skull was brown hair that reached his shoulders. On his face were thick eyebrows and blue eyes. I forget which species he is, but I've definitely seen someone like him before.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    This is a member of the Iktotchi species, Saesee Tiin. The boy in the story is NOT Saesee Tiin, but just a member of the same race.

    Sitting across from the Quarren girl was an alien boy with rough, pinkish-tan skin and down-curved cranial horns. If I had to guess, I would say the boy is from the Iktotchi race.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    These are what the Quarren species looks like. Just picture this, but a little child for this girl.

    At the left tip of the "V" formation was an alien with a pink, squid-like head and four tentacles protruding from its jaw. I noticed the child had three finned fingers on its pink hand. I knew some of the species names in Star Wars, and this one was a Quarren, I think? Also, I assume this one was a girl due to her feminine figure.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    This is just an example of the Jedi Younglings with different races in their Jedi robes. In the scene described in the story, they do not have the training sabers nor the protective helmets.

    They were all wearing tan or gray tunics, and holding them in place were their brown leather belts. Their feet were in brown, leather boots. Some of the children couldn't wear the uniform because of their alien anatomy, so they had to use a sash.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    This is one of the many hallways in the Jedi Temple.

    I grabbed onto her cloak, and we stepped onto an elevator—Master Kona Ti called it a turbolift—and we descended from the starfighter hangar to a hallway. Looking around, I could see long hallways filled with droids, Jedi, and employees walking to and from places.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    Now, this is to give you an idea of what the Jedi Temple Hangar Bay looked like. Since my story is set in an earlier time period, the ships you see in the picture probably weren't made until later. Again, this is the Jedi Temple around 32 BBY, and because I couldn't find a picture of the Jedi Temple Hangar Bay around this story's time period, I'll be using a similar hangar bay layout just like in the picture.

    I looked around the hangar and could see various Starfighter ships currently being worked on. Some were badly damaged, almost like they'd been in a large-scale battle. The rest of the Starfighters received routine maintenance.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    The ring around Obi-Wan's ship is what's called "Hyperdrive docking ring" or "Hyperdrive ring." This is what's used for ships that do not have onboard hyperdrive systems. The one in the picture doesn't resemble the one in the story, but it's to let you understand what I mean.

    In a few moments, I felt something large attach to the ship. Looking out of the canopy, a large ring connected to the ship.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    This is the Liberator-class starfighter, also known as the Talon fighter. There were variants of this class of starfighter, but this is just the standard model version.

    The starship had a long body, with the nose having a spider-like pincer at the front. Connected to the starship's body were two small, diagonal wings. At the rear of the wings were two ion thrusters. One laser cannon was on each slat of the wings. The starship had a black exterior with red trim.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    The person in the picture is Shaak Ti, who resembles the person I've just written about and described. However, they are NOT the same person since the character I described exists at an earlier date than when Shaak Ti was alive. Again, this is to give you an idea of what the woman looked like besides my written description.

    The woman had red skin and white face paint on her beautiful face. A brown robe covered her body, making it impossible to see her figure.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    Ah, I meant the other mom, not the earth one. I just replied to your comment, not seeing what chapter you posted it on. Yeah, as for Madison's mom on Earth, I'm not sure if we will. However, Allola on Kinzara, we will.

    When the thought of him coming up behind me and not being able to hear him, my heart raced. I was about to panic and scream until my vision suddenly became dark.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    Répondu à Jalokinsb

    We're going to see her again, but not until she's older

    When the thought of him coming up behind me and not being able to hear him, my heart raced. I was about to panic and scream until my vision suddenly became dark.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    Looking outside the canopy, we approached the magnificent Jedi Temple. "That's the Jedi Temple, where you'll spend most of your days as a Jedi initiate. Hold your questions until later, youngling." Master Kona Ti spoke before pressing buttons in the cockpit.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    From the very tall, large, futuristic buildings to the flying cars that passed by that looked like they were driven randomly,
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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    As I rubbed my eyes, I looked outside the canopy. We're currently hovering over a red planet with golden circles and lines throughout the planet. It looked like a formation of some sort, but with my otherworld knowledge, I knew this was the planet Coruscant.
    The Life of Halan Kanjen
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