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Hmmm.... isn't the sequence mostly the other way around? It's usually the people who suffer first and most under a tyrannical rule; then soldiers witnessing what their families and friends go through or doubting the sense of the battles fought- or both, if they are tasked with "maintaining the order" against civilians; the members of a privileged knight class are usually the last to become fully aware witnesses or even victims to the whims of tyrants.
Is he going to lock her in the Tower of Hope then? 😅
Will Sunny have to catch both armies in huge nets of shadows because the sovereigns actually break the Plain they are on?
Aye. And cementing "Machiavelian" as an adjective meaning diabolically manipulative mostly used in political context; what most failed to realize though, was that the author himself didn't mean for it to be understood as an actual guide on politics, but as a kind of satire - a critique whose main target were the nobles and high merchants of Florence, if memory serves.
There we go then... a strengthening Will manifesting itself upon its Domain!
All in on Asti making his appearance afore Nephis and/or LoS step in!
All-in on Asti making an appearance afore LoS and Nephis!
Hmmm... are some of Ki's daughters - the ones on conquering expedition maybe - gonna go the same way and balance it out again? 🤔
Huh.... such a bore, eh...?!? 😂😜