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The only relevant this has is this being a young master type novel, where a young "misstress" Is insanely breautiful and "catches" the eyes of the main characters. Again, really.
"Now i wonder" Are you kidding, this persona isnt fooling anything, its entirely made up by the author and inconsistent. Anyway.
The anvil is not inside, the text has even stated atleast THAT. Taking off his cloak now ... he is STILL in the public's view.
Yeah, Adam had not mentioned in the slightest the other world. Yet she somehow knows. Thats really passed over the authors head. Or ma uhhhh be
Aw, darn. Sounds rough but we all learn stuff all the time. I'm sure it is dissapointing to realize a story isn't one you want to continue after two dhundred some chapters.[img=nervous] Hope you weren't Too, Bummed out [img=recommend]
Imagine some one decides to write a fan-iction of this story, That could be very cool, interesting too. I'm just a reader but I appreceate these kind of reviews .
*I've also*
Yeah I've aldo read some stories whrre characters just are forgotten about. Like that ... it feels like different stories then
The gender-flips during conversations are most likely because of translation from Chinese. That is, IF this was translated.Similar to repeating content that was already written, probsbly translation problems. IDK honestly.