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should be 10% per minute
thanks for the chapter
I have a question (again) author,
when keyla touched a queen's guard she felt pain because of the anti-psionic material or something they are made of in a previous chapter but now Apollo sat on a queen's guard without feeling pain, does that mean Apollo is getting resistant to anti-psionics?
thanks for the chapter
again 'housebug'
thanks for the chapter
he gonna get a fishy prime in a human form soon? if yes then, nice a possible prime to accompany him into spartary
thanks for the chapter
as long as it's within their range of sense they just hear it as if they stand directly before the one speaking, and sound does travel in space just far slower and not so far as on a planet since space is not realy a vacuum there are still particls just way less then on Earth
I somewhere read that it is because they hear without sound or something like that, would make sense since they can hear from one part of the planet to the direct opposite and no sound travels that far
thanks for the chapter
Multiversal Devouring jey (took me just 10 attempts to write 'jey'😱)