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Very interesting storyline and storytelling. . Wonderful Author and writer had the wisely arranged scenery makes the reader wantonly inspiring to clamour for reading more chapters coming....
WOW!!!!!!! beautiful and truly amazing writer presented the story line that causes one reading relevantly unable to stop.... But rather challenging to move into the next pages.. . and next chapters.... wondering what .... next next mext
Truly interesting storyline. ..I truly appreciate. . HAHAHAHA. ..I truly enjoy reading... "Care for the heart in the rib cage".. but not the person who has the heart.... The person not cared but the heart is cared for. . truly amazing wordings....
Very much well written sand an interesting chronology of events.... Advise others to read this .... VERY thoughtful and narrative and illustrative write up. ..
Ver intriguing storyline and storytelling.... It's quite a good and lovely story . It makes me feel to continue and read on ... and on...
It's really hard and difficult for people with greed and jealousy to comprehend the sincere efforts of others to achieve. These jealous kind of people think that they are the only ones capable that they fail to recognise achievers and often underestimate others by looks. Truly great ideas of the author and writer... the presentation of the scenery is brilliantly manifested.... KUDOS TO THE AUTHOR..... PLEASE BRING OUT MORE NICE SCENES LIKE THIS....
HAHAHAHA, it's a very interesting chapter of conflict to begin a storyline. ... Truly wonderful and nice.... Allows readers to grip for more readings...WOW WHAT WORK OF INTEREST.
Indeed very good and excellently written statement of a storyline.... I as the reader is induced to read on and continue reading to the end. . VERY IMPORTANTLY INTERESTING...
Interesting...why Is these????
WOW. .. Interesting and intriguing first chapter.... it allows the readers to thinking and predicting what will happen next... It enhances onse imagination through through various possible situations... allowing one to keep on reading... SO READ ON ...