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Only three chapters so far, but I'm liking it. I can't give this an actual rating yet because of its low chapter count, but I look forward to more
I'm not reading all that but thanks for clearing up some of the issues 👍
Well that's sorta disappointing, what's worse is that I can't find the original story in spite of checking questionablequesting. Thanks ig
Sky high was the shit back when I was like 8 or 9. Good times
Not sure if it means anything to you but, everyone starts somewhere, a few mistakes are fine. I like it tho
Ur translation is better tho man. Regardless I enjoyed, thanks.
Good chap
Ngl, pretty insensitive of me to say this, especially considering you're already juggling like, 4 others books but... Bring ts back
Hopefully the bank situation is better. Anyway thanks for the chapter man.