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He already has that many, all the royals knights, plus the 300 cavalry that returned would be able to be leveled up to knight, he could have almost 400 lvl 6 royal cavalry right now. Author seems to always forget how baby soldiers he has to make the story seem more dangerous, why focus on heavy cavalry if you just turtle up in a fortress. He could have destroyed 10-20,000 skeletons before then even got to the walls.
Yes it was a fairly small branch on a dead tree and it took many dozens of shots. Ranged weapons damage is primarily speed and mass, and unless he has some super slingshot that is insane it won’t do a large amount of damage, it won’t penetrate and it is a small and blunt object. Against fragile humans and small animals it can be dangerous but only in certain spots.
It seems that the author did his fact checking with anime. Almost everything that could be wrong is, I had higher hopes but this story would be horrible if you have even a little knowledge of Japan and the structure of it at this time.
I’ll come back and read these 2 chapters once I understand the story first. A large dump of, what may be information necessary for the story to make sense, before the story even starts and if in the lack of knowing it makes the story hard to follow, ruins the story then I can only say that taking the time to show off your writting finesse and world building is wasted here and not in the story itself. Will come back!
It’s to enjoy this, as the writting is average and lacking explanation. A lot is seemingly left for you to imaging and put together yourself. Disappointing as I would assume the author had read Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece, and tried to make his own version of it. It’s porly done, which is sad as I had high hopes, even though a made up world usually lacks depth and different cultures compared to the time period he picked.
Translation was lazy, constant mix up of words that ruin the story in each and every chapter. the story is not too bad, but the whole thing is translated so badly it’s hard to enjoy. Seems to be what most of the new story’s on Webnovel are like now, trash and lazy translations that just want you to spend your money for bad novels