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Common on webnovel yes because most of the novels here are either cn crap or harems novel. You might have a 1% chance of finding something good that maybe hasn’t been dropped yet but even with the yearly statistics released even I go through 120 novels before finding a decent enough novel that doesn’t give me brain rot, and especially with the 1% you can tell it’s the 1% BECAUSE they don’t use “goldfinger”
Really good novel, is this an original or translated?
It just “allows” him to cast multiple things at the same time, like 200 fireballs and 100 eldritch blasts at the same time
No just like most inventors you were just bored as f#ck and had the necessary materials to fiddle around with
But where is the dungeon or is it a dungeon? It says “ruins”
Such a dumb and unrealistic move, hes one person and your a 100+ guild also if you piss him off he can just offer his services to other guilds and wreck you and let other guilds move in, all your missing is first achievements for assassins and maybe a couple bosses but that’s it, you can have all other class achievements and profession achievements.
Because the author gave him a brick for a brain to nerf him
Yup especially with people catching up already
My f#cking god he could list that for any price and he basically asks for a penny, it’s literally give a rich person a million and he makes a million more but give a poor person a million and he’ll have nothing, from divorce, in-laws begging, expensive house with no way to pay it off and of course a truck. He literally could be padding his future for when he gets out leveled and instead he’s being an idiot and walking on a tripwire amd being cocky