

2022-08-26 JointGlobal



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  • Luciohr
    Luciohr9 months ago

    hi there, just passing by to tell you guys that I'm currently having some health issues, apparently either my kidney or my bladder is failing completely, i went to the doctor to get some analysis done and I'm still not getting the results until either Wednesday or Friday next week.i apologize for this but I'll have to pause the writting of the next chapter since I can't quite Concentrate do to me actually fearing i have something seriuous going on.if anything happens I'll be sure to tell you guys, hopefully i can get back to the story as fast as posisible

  • Luciohr
    Luciohr9 months ago

    hey there if somebody is watching this, I'm currently working on the next chapter, since I have kind off a free time it should be released either today really late or tomorrow, so look up to that 🙏

  • Luciohr
    Luciohr9 months ago
    Répondu à TheLord999

    i do plan to continue writing, in fact i wish to complete the whole story of this universe (all of subject faraday is the 3rd part of a 5 part saga) however i really don't think i would feel comfortable asking for money from the fans of the story, mostly due to the objectively horrible upload schedule.

  • Luciohr
    Luciohr10 months ago
    Répondu à TheLord999

    just some stuff on the background, mostly financial struggles and university, those struggles are still there but at least my semester ended so I'm free from 1 of my hells.i appreciate so much the care for me, i never thought someone would actually miss me

  • Luciohr
    Luciohra year ago

    hey there, chapter is already at 3k words however i still have little to no time at all.I'll try to deliver the chapter before Friday so look forward for the end of this week

  • Luciohr
    Luciohra year ago

    hi there, just coming to tell you that I'm deeply sorry for the delay, but this time its not because of me procrastinating but the fact that these past 2 weeks have been an absolute horror, i have no time FOR ANYTHING it's like every single homework and project i had in my life suddenly came back all at once and i can't frankly deal with this stuff.i have so much stress right now that I can't even put it into words.I'll be sure to write as much as I can whenever and IF i can. chapter right now is sitting at 1k words. I said it would be 3k so I'm gonna at least try to get it to 2.5k to release it if i need to cut it. but i hope I don't need to get to that point.I'm sorry

  • Luciohr
    Luciohra year ago

    hi there, I'm already working on the chapter and it will be releasing in the next 2 days, i have some dues this weekend but worts case scenario next chapter will be up Monday morning.sorry for the delay and thanks for the patience 🙏

  • Luciohr
    Luciohra year ago

    By the way I have to add, apparently webnovel prohibits the use of Chinese characters now, and those were the one used for Mildred's emojis, so unfortunately I will need to Cut them all up from now on, I still don't know if this also affects all the previous chapters too but if it does I'll have to cut them from there too.

  • Luciohr
    Luciohra year ago

    Pictured: Cecile looking at Faraday Eating waffles

  • Luciohr
    Luciohra year ago

    Faraday got her waffles, unfortunally she still can't use forks. This amazing drawing was made by Akirari Xiao on FB, be sure to check them out since their drawings are so beautiful