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Amazing chapter, as always. Happy Holidays
Fantastic story, Mc is not the hero type, but not a villain either. His character development is pretty realistic. Ganbare
I can just say, don't let it get you down. This fanfic is a very nice work and there will always be people disagreeing just because they love conflict. You get two thumbs up from me
It's a very good fanfic and I like the Mc's personality a lot. He's got that mad scientist vibe but without the willingness to give up his morals for it. And the overall quality is top notch.
Well this is one amazing slice of life fanfic. The mc is neither a psychopath nor a horny mongrel, which sometimes seems like a rarity on this website. Just a pretty chill dude, who's the type I would love to call a friend.
Very good translation. Solid grammar, no chinese names and I can't remember any typos. Some cliches in the way the random people speak, but all in top quality stuff (chapter 9).
Jack can't swim. He's half fishman so he can breathe underwater. And I can't believe, that in more than 1100 chapters nobody ever mentioned any devil fruit user being able to swim (don't know where you heard, that Kaido can swim). Then there was the scene, where they gave Luffy CPR while his body was under water and they pulled his head out.
Wonderful! You truly surprised me and that doesn't happen often anymore with the amount of fanfictions I've read.
I got a twisted sense of humor and I'd find it hilarious, if she at first tried to convince him to accept Paul into her harem.