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Really good story in the make. A new classic for all WN readers. Great pacing, world building, good narration which is casually intriguing. In fact most of the dialogues serve as a mix of soft world building and characterization. If I had to take a pick at pointing my finger , I'd say Samuel has the potential to completely break away from many regression / transmigration stereotypes. While all other** stories have the potential to varying extent,here it's almost like an impact frame while Samuel recalls lore. Think, it doesn't have to be something radical or immediate . What sets apart stories like SS or Lotm is not just the piece meal realism, it's also the characters themselves testing the constraints of narration as the main character sets the scripts on fire. ( 'I will surpass the mc' is a good example of setting fire to the script and nuking it for good measure too) All the suggestions don't mean to undermine the uniqueness of the story here but I see that the fact of the matter is that consumer literature is being stifled from growth by it's own oblivious consumer base. It's good to realise that but before one sees the ecosystem for what it really is, it's necessary to dive into the lives of all kinds of organisms that live inside one. (Metaphorically speaking) TLDR - The story rocks. Mc rocks. Absolutely worth reading for fun and adventure
He needs to put the Uchiha clan on the therapy grind. Best way to drain their economy and let them vent in non-sight based murderous ways. Hmm.... Orochimama would loke that🤣
Really well executed humor. The arcanum is approved by the Celestial worthy of heaven and Earth, also the main characters have traumatic backgrounds that make it easier to recognise their humanity. The plot is creative in the way it sets the correct pace and emphasis on events of the story but it's not as elaborate as it could have been without the inherent mysticism borrowed from .....🧐. The romantic yandereism has a surprisingly great amount of appeal, it makes things kinda of spicy. PS: I want to know what Lynn did with hand to the black cat in heat 🤣
Bro must have seen another system panel 🤣
The brighter the light......
Mortal folly?