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I don't know what to say. This is the greatest novel I've ever read, bar none. I do not know how you did it, but it's amazing. The storytelling is just —I don't know—it's just *present*. It's as if you're watching it happen, and I feel like I'm there with the MC, watching him journey the galaxy, and the snow fall, and I feel—I don't know— *haunted* , I guess. I don't know how else to describe it. And the plotting is just perfect. I mean, I don't know if you studied novels or not, but I noticed how many parallels there were to, like, Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights or even Lord of the Rings. In fact, those almost seem ordinary in comparison with this. It's really quite remarkable. I commend RisingFire for his stellar authorship, no other author could have done this as well. It is a masterpiece.
While the book has lofty ambitions, the actual delivery left me wanting more. The story attempts to deal with complex themes and its protagonist, named 'Fang,' is clearly based on the old xianxia novel Reverend Insanity, but all of this is done in a heavy-handed, disappointing manner without much subtlety. The characters, especially the supposedly wise and tranquil demon protagonist, come across as one-dimensional and cliched. The cultivation world building feels superficial and derivative of better works in the genre. The plot involving the demon's quest for heavenly power proceeds in a predictable and unoriginal fashion. The long passages of the MC's thought process often come across as bland and simple-minded. The unrestrained use of hyperbole makes the story's ambitions feel disproportionate to its actual substance and talents. In the end, this webnovel had some interesting elements in its premise but ultimately failed to live up to its lofty goals. The flaws in characterization, worldbuilding and plotting hold it back from truly capturing the transcendent and heavenly qualities it aspires to. It is also too obviously derivative of works like RI, without much creative vision or purpose of its own. While some readers seeking an easy, cliched and familiar cultivation tale may find enjoyment here, those seeking more depth and originality will likely be left unsatisfied.
A touching homage to Reverend Insanity, and the author gives an admirable effort at replicating that immortal classic webnovel. Although it's not quite the same, I think it's a nice try! While the antihero's journey to achieve his ambitions can be compelling at times, some aspects feel too undeveloped and come across as a half-baked RI imitation. The overly edgy tone and heavy-handed philosophical musings may also come across as try-hard at times. Still, fans of cultivation stories with morally grey characters will likely find some entertainment value in following Louvain's lengthy journey. The plot moves at a decent pace and the protagonist's development, while somewhat cliched, shows glimpses of an interesting path of self-discovery amidst cruelty and self-interest. Overall, while not deeply original or memorable, this story shows promise for fans looking for an above-average tale of an antihero's ruthless pursuit of enlightenment through any means necessary. With some refinement and development of a more distinctive voice, future volumes could improve upon this and make it a unique work rather than just another book in this genre. Summary: The concept of pursuing an unattainable dream for 700 years has potential, though at times the edgy depiction of cruelty feels try-hard and the Mature MC who takes himself too seriously may come across as more comical than insightful. Still, fans of the genre will likely find something to enjoy in this standard tale that draws inspiration from classics of xianxia.
I've never seen somebody so concerned about the ethics of adapting awful degen Japanese light novels.
A novel whose greatness overwhelms the mortal world. Its author is so bi that you, dear reader, cannot even compare. Don't even try. It isn't worth the effort, you pathetic slug. Do you think you can even be nearly as bi as the author, who is bi af? You have eyes, but cannot see Mt. Tai. Academics shall discuss, in hushed tones, this book's subversion of heteronormativity for centuries to come. If I had to summarise this masterpiece in two words: bi af. You are nothing but an ant, you should bow down and worship this author!
I was definitely a satyr with your mother last night.
Good luck with the novel. Feedback: Be careful with grammar, there's a few decapitalized 'I's in there and some questionable grammar around dialogue tags. Maybe don't have these long, slightly didactic monologue chapters at the start. The guy's manifesto-lite takes up a large part of the chapter, plus this opening is slowish and lacks a clear hook. It might be useful to set the scene more clearly, the idea of beginning with a criminal is an interesting take on an RI-like opening, but it might help readers get a hang of this earlier by clearly delineating the situation with the man being a criminal facing execution. Also, speaking of 'all human cruelty' in this way comes across as a bit sweeping and not necessarily that vivid, there's not that much by way of specific detail that's particularly gripping or exciting here. In RI, I don't think that there was that much mystery about what was happening, the beginning made it quite clear what kind of immediate predicament Fang Yuan was in. Further, RI was blatantly drawing on the tropes of the genre and playing with them, portraying FY as the great villain who is being defeated, whereas I'm not sure that this novel is drawing on a specific archetype clearly and therefore its opening is much less evocative - especially given the lack of detail. This opening also doesn't have as much conflict as the RI opening, so there's less to keep WN readers
What if they just wore blackface, would that be good enough for you? It's hard for ordinary people to transform into blacks, that's like changing species.
https: // i.imgur.com / ZoYggr3.png (remove spaces) for higher quality version, credit to Boundless_ and Anti.