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With the pace of his progression, he'd be insane not to aim at maxing his stats. He's achieving years of progress in the matter of days, in the grand scheme of things, what's another week. However, could be a good idea for him to aim for it but have a complication that forces him to have to lvl up before he can max them. For example, maybe some pressure from his Familia which he is forced to lvl up to deak with.
Fantastic start. Writing quality is great and your characterisation is so far beyond most fics on this site. Please keep this going.
Think Grindelward is the bigger lapse in judgement.
Solid FF. Simple writing style but has minimal mistakes (the plural for Pokemon is also Pokemon, does need an 's'. Cool world building. Characters are a little one dimensional and the banter doesn't fit the age profiles but still a decent read.
You're doing well, this review was not intended to criticise. As this is also a translation, I can recognise that some of the differences or strange concepts come from the original text. Keep up the good work, best way to learn is to do.
Not horribly written, good for a non-native writer. But lacks the nuances of English language and culture. Doesn't do justice to the source material, just uses them as a setting.
Got so caught up in thic fic that I forgot to check how many chapters there were. So used to good Pokemon fics having hundreds of chapters I was caught off guard. Please keep up the good work. Immediately moving on to your kther works to see if they are the same quality.
Not loving the new persona. Hoping the change is deliberate and this is a negative biproduct of messing with his emotions that he will try to fix at some point.
Hoping to see him start to find his path in next Arc. Guessing he will find his talent in Genjutsu and that the speed he learned Clone Jutsu was to foreshadow this.
One of my favourite fanfics I've ever read. Went ahead and finished reading it on original thread. Thank you so much for introducing it to me. Such a good SI story, perfect balance between taking advantage of foreknowledge without being OP, great use of ripples and one the best written OCs (Ivar) I've seen. Any other fic recommendations similar to this, please let me know.