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Honestly, these filler chapters are annoying. You could have made a normal big chapter out of 4 chapters, or two regular ones that are more or less meaningful. And the translation is good.
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A bit too much, Tom wasn't majestic at the beginning, and he was humiliated as a half-blood. Even then he wasn't. She's more like Grindelwalt.
Если вы измените имя героя на японское, то могут подтянутся новые читатели. Многих отталкивает китайские имена
Hero's name
If you change the name, new readers may be attracted.
The story is very interesting, which deserves 5 stars. I can't judge the grammar, I read through a translator. But if you came to read the comments to decide whether to read or not, then the story is super, you won't regret it.
Damn, I wrote it through a translator and it distorted half the meaning of my comment. In short, the point is that everything was ok before, but in the last chapters, Chinese ego creeps in. But I like the story and a request to the author to record such moments, well, if it's not a joke.
How many chapters of Chinese ego and there was no trace, and here it just went wild: descendants of dragons, their excessive love for grief in which girls themselves impose themselves, the emperor, etc. It seems like they like to show that they are better than others, especially in their novels the plots are different and interesting, but in all of them, as if under a carbon copy, there are certain scenes, plot twists and the hero's behavior. Translator, you can slightly replay such moments, for example, the soul of the descendant of the dragon can be presented as a character and an idea of a dragon. Well, the translation is good until the last chapters such moments are unnoticeable. So thanks for the chapter)
Damn, the soul of a dragon's descendant, ahahaha, the Chinese have a lot of self-esteem