


You have eyes and you see Mount Tai.

2022-03-29 JointGlobal



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  • IamMountTai

    I've read l and doesn't flow nicely. It has the author's narrators voice mixed with clear chat gpt usage to the extent that it hurts the writing. I honestly find MTL a much better reading experience. I'm sorry but this is my honest thoughts.

    The Transmigrated Author
    Fantaisie · zowji
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à athex

    Crazy how Amy is rank 1 in popularity surpassing Belle and even Mc. Yet shafted. I don't mind Raven, but he hasn't really shined enough. It's funny since I usually prefer the original mc over the protagonist in these novels. If you can reconsider the pairings that would be great!

    Ch 69 Preliminaries [2]
    Extra's Descent
    Fantaisie · athex
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à athex

    Nooooooooooooooooo :(

    Ch 69 Preliminaries [2]
    Extra's Descent
    Fantaisie · athex
  • IamMountTai

    Dang author! I was shipping Brandon with Amy!

    Ch 69 Preliminaries [2]
    Extra's Descent
    Fantaisie · athex
  • IamMountTai

    nice chapter

    Ch 64 Electives [2]
    Extra's Descent
    Fantaisie · athex
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à DaoistLwCnMT


    Ch 1 Prologue [1]
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantaisie · Entrail_JI
  • IamMountTai

    With how OP this cognitive ability is, it's quite bs that he was unable to think of a reason in the end. Even if he lacks info, which I say in this super brain mode he doesn't, some things could have been expressed.

    Ch 37 Virtual Simulation [9]
    Extra's Descent
    Fantaisie · athex
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à knightart7081998

    Rather, the most likely reason is because the author wants you to continue reading. Cliffhangers are substantial in web novel writing.

    It was a known fact that a person with…
    Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!
    Fantaisie · WinterDragon_1
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à Chris_Lawry

    No. I'm not sure what you are talking about. This line is just a chant.

    Upper, middle, lower, a celestial artist's dream;
    Strongest Sect in the Shadows
    Fantaisie · IamMountTai
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à Entrail_JI

    I see. The no protection really is unfortunate. Very enlightening to hear that the income is actually relatively the same. I would've thought the income would be better through advanced chapters and maybe an avenue like Amazon, provided you had a decent following. So disheartening... I hope your new novel pops off well! Thank you very much for the information! Will be supporting~

    Ch 1 Prologue [1]
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantaisie · Entrail_JI
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à Entrail_JI

    Certainly I also thought the writing style isn't something you would see in RR. But I didn't think it would be so detrimental. First person hate certainly is a thing and you may lack descriptions and other things, but I feel as long as the story conveyed is good then it would at least be okay. Could you inform me in detail in regards to the issues with RR now? As an aspiring author, it would help me immensely to be informed. Thank you.

    Ch 1 Prologue [1]
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantaisie · Entrail_JI
  • IamMountTai

    Out of curiosity author, did you ever think of uploading this story to RR instead of here? I'm aware that TAPV is where you started and your desire to make something a little similar and better here, so it makes sense for it to be published on this platform. But in terms of income, it is concerning as you have addressed on your discord regarding TAPV. Wouldn't it have been better to have published it there despite RR being much much more critical and even if the content of the story may not have much appeal as here? At least from what I've read of this story, I do think it has what it takes to have some decent popularity there even if the standards are high there. Would greatly appreciate your answer Author nim.

    Ch 1 Prologue [1]
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantaisie · Entrail_JI
  • IamMountTai

    But a library... unless it's different in this world.

    "Why? This is a public space." 
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantaisie · Entrail_JI
  • IamMountTai

    Despite all the hate. I love it! The awkward teenage start to a relationship. Awesome work author!

    Ch 28 There’s Something About Rey
    An Extra’s POV
    Fantaisie · Magecrafter
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à Kw0z

    Just see my reviews for other novels!

    Lord of the Karmic Fate
    Fantaisie · Gery_
  • IamMountTai

    Double Plagiarism. It should be made clear that this is a translation of the Korean author who wrote this. Furthermore, translations taken are from a person who has been currently translating this work. Do not support.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • IamMountTai

    Double Plagiarism. Not only is this author so shameless to take the work off the original Korean author, but also use the translations of a person who started translating this series. I would have no issue if this author, _Eternal stated clearly that this was a translation, but nope just blatant plagiarism. Steal the work of the original and the translations of a translator. Shameless and disgusting.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à WindskyW

    Thanks for your reply! I have reposted the review. let me know if it is still unseen to the public. Please provide more screentime to those characters! I'm gonna guess Lucia will end up Julian. If it's adrian id be surprised but I would be fine with either as I like them both. Anyone aside from that tho excluding the MC... I think we need to have a bit more of a 'talk'.

    The Extra of The Lunerra
    Fantaisie · WindskyW
  • IamMountTai

    A Critical Review Read 221/262 Although I’m going to drop it due to the romance, I highly recommend it, but proceed with caution. This author is unafraid to do things that the many readers may not wish to see. The tragedy tag is there for a reason and you may be triggered with anger-inducing powerful moments. This is a good thing, but as a reader who is following the mc and rooting for him, I really don’t like to see it when it's something that I myself cannot tolerate. It is not overly dark despite being gruesome at times it just has some dark moments at times that hit you. I was really surprised that this is a translation because while I wasn’t paying too much attention to the grammar and all, it was definitely very legible and coherent. I will start with the pros that truly stuck out to me rather than give some generic ones. Unlike many other novels of this academy cliche genre, it’s one of the few ones that and might be the one with the least amount of focus on action for the early part of this story which is quite the surprise. It also has a lot of unique approaches to cliche scenarios and made things interesting to read. Moreover, the story dives deeply into the plot of the story which is largely focused on the MC’s mysterious, albeit convoluted past.Each volume also starts with a spoiler prologue, which I initially disliked but I have to admit the author’s stylistic choice ended up making me anticipate what is to happen in that volume. Well done. The author honestly is very good at execution, and plot points that I initially disliked ended up being enjoyable in spite of my reluctance because of its execution making the story great. It created quite a fair amount of memorable moments whether they were bad or good. Honestly I probably won't forget for a long while. The story also has a lot of drama and some of them are quite forced, but because of its execution they ended up making the story more interesting. As for the cons, I would say well romance wise I had expectations, but it was well… acceptable kind of, but with the author’s talent I really think it should be at the level of other things that had been shown. Mc past focus can also be really too much maybe for a fair amount of readers to handle. It was executed well, but at the same time not because if I think about it, it really seems too convoluted and goes on forever. This Mc mysterious memories and whatnot is really ambiguous. In fact, it feels like it takes like 50% of the actual story. Not only that you also later have other characters we know seemingly connected to it and their let’s say ‘events’ and it just makes it more confusing. The author I think knows what he’s doing, but I really believe that while it may be all planned, it is not good for the average reader to try and digest it because it really seems too much. Once you think you know something, the mystery plot just thickens more. Character wise, while the author has talent in execution, particularly the plot which is slow but quite interesting, I do not believe that some major characters were given enough screen time for the 260 chapters we have. Some major characters, while true they have not had their arc yet, had inept character development and even characterisation. With this author’s pacing and ability I find this completely unacceptable. Many much inferior novels of this genre do this 10x better, no joke. That’s how little screen time they have gotten despite being important. Many of the major characters also felt like they had a superficial relationship of being friends with the MC besides Adrian. As the story progressed it's much better (for the ones that had the opportunity…) as they had their screen time and we got some characterisation and even fantastic moments, but the initial part is so bad. A quick friendship is fine for 1 and maybe 2 major character, but the problem was everyone besides Adrian ended up being like that. They just randomly joined the party. For people rooting for certain heroines, prepare to be COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED. Also forgot to mention get ready for a certain skill plot device which may seem familiar to readers of this genre. Forced Drama! This is the END OF SPOILER FREE section. Now it’s time for me to rage about certain things. First thing’s first. How dare you author for showing competent writing with a really very good, interesting story but then show me the state of Julian and LUCIA.Those 2 get barely any screen time in 260 chapters. Alice can somewhat be excused, but still I really think needs more screen time as she is a major character. As for Celine it looks like she’s finally having her arc I guess so that’s fine although I felt much like most of the rest she still needed a bit more. But what I’m most mad about was that I came for the romance and rooted for Lucia, but instead I read 200 chapters and got absolutely nothing. I can’t even be mad at the fact she lost… BECAUSE SHE WASN’T EVEN IN THE RACE TO BEGIN WITH. LET ALONE BEING ON THE SCREEN. Now I know you dislike harems, and you may not have not planned a possible romantic entanglement with her and the MC which is very disappointing to me, but is fine, but having what felt like 7 chapters of screentime in like 200 chapters? That’s unacceptable. I know she will have a big arc in the future concerning the mention of the Lords was it? I can’t recall, but hey that’s where love would most likely blossom but MC already has his eyes on Sue. I’m really frustrated at this. I really enjoyed the novel, but it really crossed my bottom-line. Speaking of Sue… I like anticipating who the romantic partner of the MC will be and I enjoyed the fact that it was quite up in the air. But tbh, if I had to choose even at much earlier stages of the volumes it was really obviously gonna be Sue. Why? Because she’s the only ordinary out of the group of major characters. So the cliche would obviously be her being picked. Naturally she was picked. Like it’s too obvious… so when it was revealed that the Mc had interest in her, I was like oh… well obviously. Disregarding my rooting for Lucia, I’m disappointed at such an outcome. Although the romance is honestly premature( I am aware that they’re not dating yet) and with your skills I think it can be executed better. Particularly when it comes to Mc’s attitude towards her. You need to show things of why he may treat Sue differently than the others as right now it’s really blurred with Celine though I understand the circumstances of the plot. In regards to Sue’s brother. I inwardly yelled when it was revealed he came to study at Clara’s academy and I absolutely lost it when Clara became that guy’s girlfriend. It wasn’t Lucia that was the final straw for me. It was this. Clara having a boyfriend is fine, but if it’s that guy who even the MC fears and seems like a living crazy psychopath. The two even kissed GAHHHH! Nah I don’t even want to read what the hell happens. It’s gonna be a tragedy and this also means Sue is going to be related too. Maybe Sue and MC aren’t fated to be because of it so perhaps the end partner won’t be Sue. Reminds me similarly of the situation in Novel’s Extra. After all, there is no saying that Sue had to be the final winner. Do I have hope for Lucia tho? Nope! It was a great read and I do believe the story deserves more attention than what it is getting. I hope my review was helpful to newcomers and the author too! Seriously tho. Treat Lucia and Julian better. If you have any possible romantic plans for Lucia then by all means please say so author! At least I would greatly wish to know your stance. Perhaps I may come back after all. I’m also very curious about Adrian and Alice and how they will turn out.

    The Extra of The Lunerra
    Fantaisie · WindskyW
  • IamMountTai
    Répondu à Disgrace

    Question. I just started reading, but it frowns me that it seems like for the most part Mc just looks at the people like they're NPCS. Does this attitude get changed? He even has no problems with killing without even the idea of remorse being brought up.

    My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game
    Fantaisie · Disgrace