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Most likely the book harry potter does not exist in their previous life
no harem pls
Personally ingenium should have survived because he proved that being a hero wasn't just a job for him and took it seriously by not hesitating to maim himself to save her but you could take this situation as a lesson to jigsaw that his traps are not perfect and should improve moving forward
Author i have no idea what you're on but keep on cooking because this is one of the few well done mha fics that is not tied to the main characters except for a couple and no hint of wish fulfilment like harems.The story is still early on but its looking promising
Their future child
People are frustrated and disapointed with the recent drop in quality in the last few chapters so naturally they would complain so hopefully the author would wake up because if people are complaining here then i would pity the people in his patreon having to deal with this
if he learned firebending why not use lightning as well since its both fast and accurate and an added bonus is that it goes well with the blue asthetic going on
woooow i wonder where this is going
this is why i prefer the actual character which in this case peter quill than this rando in peter quill body with meta knowledge.There is no tension or suspense because the answers are literally shown beforehand which is boring and a lot of interactions don't make sense
This is not even his fafic he is just taking from the source and copy pasting the mtl because he for sure dont know russian