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When I'm about to lose all interest then comes a new twist like first Finn and Monica.. then when I'm fully get hopeless about their relationship and ending, ohh! wow! there comes a new twist that is Nox and Shelly in which I'm now really very interested
ahhhhh this one sided love....... when will become successful
ohhh Edward one sided love............poor guy..... she dont care a little about him . so sad
1st volume finished but the relationship between the characters are still unknown and and's really becoming too much annoying and I'm kinda losing interest
What's the relationship between her and Kingsley ..... Moreover how much you become smart you should not mentioned those matters to a six years old child but in that story how Jeane using the words like spending nights, slept with someone it's doesn't make sense............gorge however if I think he understands everything though he is a little child.......
Why just one chapter?
I think the story needs acceleration .................................story development is quite slow if it's became a little faster it would be better
I'm very interested in the relationship between Finn and Monica I want them to end up together and without any misunderstanding and with happiness
it's becoming annoying........... I'm just not finding anything that will make it interesting 🤔