

2022-02-10 JointGlobal



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  • Astrodoggy
    Astrodoggya year ago

    Sorry for calling it garbage, all of them were good stories, especially this one, you are and will always be an exceptional writer.

  • Astrodoggy
    Astrodoggy2 years ago
    Répondu à EthanKaiser

    Oh I have realized since the beginning that you don’t want anything, I was simply being honest with my feelings, the feelings you don’t seem to understand. What they meant is that I kept being your friend the same way I was all these years, that’s all, I’ll look for romantic relationships with other people. I did the things I did, each time more agressively to see if things evolved, if it doesn’t happen, I won’t chase after something nonexistent. And until recently, at least in my eyes, things were evolving, so I took a bigger risk and ended up hitting a wall, that was where I stopped my efforts. This doesn’t mean my friendship was false, it was perhaps truer than yours, it was based on something much stronger and it wasn’t fabricated for the end goal, it was shared with enjoyment and happiness. I was trying to reach a stalemate, to keep the friendship alive, but I guess it’s impossible to revive something that is already dead. The one who should get help is you, I’m worried! After all, you have so much going on, that you can barely keep up with it, maybe reach out to your family, but not to me, I have things that are actually worth my time going on. I bend your actions into my own desires, but your opinion changes from message to message, from only wanting to fuck to false friend, expecting me to assume your ghosting meaning, after saying I fail at assuming your positions. You really do need a break, maybe this time you can give a heads up that you need some time to clear your mind, instead of leaving the person who just confessed to you, wondering why he got ghosted, well I hope those important matters were worth it. Because now you have all the time in the world to think, enjoy it for the rest of your life, I am sure it’ll help you realize something too on the long run. I’ll make sure I enjoy mine, I doubt it ’ll help me tho, after all I am fully aware of where the fun ends and the waste of time begins. As I don’t enjoy discussing matters, especially with someone who victimizes himself, after doing something rushed, or repeating the same bullshit over and over, without realizing the hypocrisy of his own words. This has truly become a waste of time, therefore goodbye :)

  • Astrodoggy
    Astrodoggy2 years ago
    Répondu à EthanKaiser

    Só para foder? Acho que estás confuso. Se eu apenas te quisesse foder, não teria-me dado ao trabalho de ser teu amigo durante estes anos. Algo que nunca foi um trabalho ou uma mentira. O que eu sempre quis foi aprofundar essa amizade, uma relação mais próxima e de maior intimidade contigo, uma relação amorosa, e quando vi oportunidades para fazê-lo, eu tentei. Na minha visão, pensei possível a mudança da tua posição sobre um relacionamento amoroso comigo após tais tentativas. Não foi o caso, mas continuo irracionalmente a ter essa esperança em mim, tu devias perceber melhor que ninguém porquê. Eu não consigo evitá-lo, mas eu nunca passarei nenhuma barreira que não permitas. Acho que em vez de tomares decisões precipitadas, que foram baseadas num novel escrito sobre o efeito de hormonas. Devias de ter em mente os tempos que passamos juntos, eu sempre tratei esses momentos com grande preciosidade e continuarei a fazê-lo. Claramente que eu tinha uma percepção errada do que tinhas noção acerca de mim, mesmo agora consegues-me supreender com as inciativas que tomas. És o meu melhor amigo e não seria por isto que o deixararias de ser, no final de contas és tu que decides, qualquer que for a tua escolha eu respeito-a. Ainda podes jogar com quem quiseres, fui eu que te removi das contas e baniu do discord, sem o conhecimento de ninguém, para pelo menos sentires um pouco da tua própria crueldade.